Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash

Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash The Nightmare Warriors

Written by JEFF KATZ & JAMES KUHORIC - Art by JASON CRAIG Cover by ARTHUR SUYDAM Beneath the bloody waters of Crystal Lake, an immortal evil wakes and begins a new cycle of violence in this new collection of the second hit miniseries. Co-published with Dynamite Entertainment.
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Photo of Geoffrey Froggatt
Geoffrey Froggatt@geofroggatt
3 stars
Nov 29, 2023

** spoiler alert ** This story picks up where the last crossover left off, reintroducing the reader to Ash Williams and Carrie six months after the showdown with Freddy and Jason. We get an appearance from Maggie Burroughs from Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare seeking to recruit Ash into a group she’s creating, while a top secret government group is working in the shadows to take advantage of the Necronomicon. While the last crossover wasn’t as satisfying as it should have been, this one was just as kooky but felt like it took advantage of a mixed universe more seriously. I loved all the returning survivors rom previous films from every franchise, and I loved the little references to other horror franchise and the implication that they all inhabit a shared universe. Tommy and Ash’s pissing contest was juvenile but probably true for their characterizations and where they’re at in this story. The Maggie/Kathryn twist felt like fanfiction, but I actually liked how twisted it was and how it fit into Elm Street lore/logic. I liked the imagery of Stephanie’s nightmare with long-haired Jason on the crucifix, and I liked seeing a female Voorhees descendant wear his mask and wield his machete. One thing I absolutely loved about this was the idea of Freddy fusing with the Necronomicon and becoming almost god-like. The idea of an evil maniacal dream demon like Freddy becoming a god and taking over the world with the book of the damned was perfect characterization for him, and made the moments I felt like the characterization lacked in other survivors justified. I was okay with secondary survivors not really acting 100% like themselves if it meant they hit the big notes just right with Freddy, Jason, and Ash. There was a lot to love in the ending. Alice’s ending was sad but felt right, and I loved seeing Jacob become the Dream Master and temporarily resurrect the Dream Warriors, I just wish it had lasted longer. I loved seeing Nancy reunite with Neil and the goodbye they shared. I liked how Ash leaves the survivors and has a moment where he mourns Linda and Carrie and says how much he loved them. As much as Ash’s character has never connected with me because of his straight male power fantasy energy, I always love when a horror survivor grieves their fallen loved ones, and hearing that from him made me like his character a whole lot more. While I do think they should have tightened up the story and fleshed out the other survivors, this was a great story. I really wished that they played into Jacob and Maggie/Kathryn both being Freddy’s children and had them face off against each other, but I get that there was already so much going on. Jacob, Maggie/Kathryn, Alice, and Stephanie were major elements of this story that I loved and wish were expanded upon, I loved all those characters and their arcs. The final few pages that echo that Freddy and Jason would return didn’t really do it for me, but I get that they had to do it as it’s basically tradition at this point. Overall, I’m surprised by how much I liked this one, way better than the last crossover. While this still felt like fan fiction in certain parts, it was willing to take big swings and risks in the storytelling and most of them paid off for me, but I get why a lot of people wouldn’t be into it. I think any major fans of these franchises should check out this story, and I hope we get a third instalment one day.