
Black Hammer: Age of Doom by Jeff Lemire and Dean Ormston is the third volume of the Black Hammer series or the fifth volume if the two side stories are included. Lucy Weber has arrived on the farm and she's taken on the mantle of Black Hammer. She knows the truth behind their banishment but before she can reveal it, she disappears. http://pussreboots.com/blog/2019/comm... Family Utopia Cornfield 33FFFF - albeit highly metaphorical for all three

Despite being a different genre and using a different illustrator — it still encompasses the urban vs rural and crossing the cornfield tropes that I love about Lemire's work. http://pussreboots.com/blog/2017/comm...

Black Hammer Volume 2: The Event by Jeff Lemire picks up where Secret Origins ends. The woman — a reporter by trade — has tracked down the location of her missing father and his companions, only to find herself trapped too. With her arrival we're given the origin story of Black Hammer as well as the gruesome details of his death. http://pussreboots.com/blog/2018/comm...

I am not usually a huge Jeff Lemire fan, but Black Hammer hits all the spots for an intriguing, more adult-look at superheros. The plot is twisty, but not in a way that I feel will never be resolved (which is usually my beef with Lemire). It hits its paces well, plays on tropes in an interesting manner, and the characters are really drawing me in. Can't wait to see where the next volume takes us!

Black Hammer is definitely superheros as done by Jeff Lemire. There's a lot of man pain (and some lady pain!). But a lot of man pain. Also a lot of unexplained scifi shenanigans that may or may not ever be explained. I want to learn more about Lady Dragonfly though so I will be picking up the next volume.