Jeffrey Sachs
Investing in Development
A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals: A Report to the Un Secretary-General

Investing in Development A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals: A Report to the Un Secretary-General

Jeffrey Sachs2005
Presents the findings & recommendations of the UN Millennium Project, an independent advisory body to the UN Sec.-Gen. Kofi Annan. The Project's 10 task forces, Secretariat, & broad array of participants from academia, gov't., UN agencies, international financial inst., NGOs, donor agencies, & the private sector created a worldwide network of development practitioners & experts across an enormous range of countries, disciplines, & org. Contents: (1) Why the Millennium Dev't. Goals (MDGs) are important, where we stand, & why we're falling short; (2) Country-level processes to achieve the MDGs; (3) Recommend. for the international system to support country-level processes; (4) The costs & benefits of achieving the MDGs. Illustrations.
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