
Why my local library does NOT already have Taken by Storm is beyond me. Absolutely BEYOND FREAKING ME. I’ve requested it, but there’s no telling whether or not they’ll actually get it, and if they do, it won’t be for a couple months. D: I know, I’m so sad. Yeah, so, that aside, there were points in this book where my heart rate sped up as if I was exercising, but I wasn’t. That is saying something. Also, this book provoked me into giving Shay the finger. When I came into this book and got a couple chapters in, there was some foreshadowing, I don’t remember exactly what the line was, but it was something like: “Besides, how much trouble could some humans possibly be?” I was like: “Oh my god, that such OBVIOUS foreshadowing.” And then I was like: “Two words: werewolf hunters.” They weren’t werewolf hunters, exactly, but they were close enough to make me happy. And, Oh. My. Chase! Yeah, yeah, I know Devon as a character has more depth and such, but c’mon. Chase is freaking HOT, and there is no arguing with that. Plus, I think chase has some good depth, too. It’s not as obvious as Devon’s, but it’s there, and I love him. And, erg! The fact my local library doesn’t have book three for me to check out is seriously irking me. You hear that, PPLD????? IRKING ME!!!!! Because, my god, I NEED THE NEXT BOOK!!!!! Like, right now. Not in a couple months, which is when, if my library gets it, they’ll have it. GRRR. I want to be a werewolf! And, oh my shit, LUCAS. I can honestly say, I did not see that coming. Daaang! I so NEEEEEED Taken by Storm! Now! Is there anyone who owns it and would be willing to, like, lend it to me or something? Cuz I need it so BAAAD!!!!! GRRR. p.s. I love Caroline. I’m pretty sure it’s not because she’s likable as a character, but has more to do with all the nicknames other characters gave her, such as: She Who Hunts to Kill, and Miss My Family Can Be Very Patient. Again, my library, GRRR. **EDIT** Also, I think all the authors in the world should get together and make tow lists. BAD GUYS NAMES and GOOD GUYS NAMES. and once those lists are made, no author should be allowed to use a name from the good guys list for a bad guy, or vice versa. cuz it's seriously confusing when you hate a werewolf named Shay in Raised by Wolves, while you're busy loving a werewolf named Shay from Nightshade! it's confusing! and this is really important, because I'm pretty sure I already mentioned this idea in my Review of Need by Carrie Jones. If I didn't mention then, I was thinking it while I read the book.

In Trial by Fire, Bryn and her "pack" face new challenges when Shay, Dev's brother and alpha of the pack that borders Bryn's, sets events in motion to get rid of Bryn. These events include a young were beaten within an inch of his life, a coven of psychics determined to have revenge, and growing concerns about other weres crossing her pack's borders. Jennifer Lynn Barnes puts a new spin on the classic werewolf tale incorporating young werewolves into machinations and politics revolving around the werewolf community. Another good read by Barnes who knows what characters should say and do to seem real and worthy of emotional investment. I'm anxious to read more about Bryn and her pack in Taken by Storm, the third book in the Raised by Wolves series.

the ending had me rolling omg.