Ye Olde Modus Operandi of Cookery

Ye Olde Modus Operandi of Cookery Kings (& Queens) of Cuisine 2014 Cookbook

Alas, the war has been fought and won! Many were on the field of battle to lend their aid to those they supported for the crown. In the end, to the victors go the crowns, and the defeated are left to lick the remains of their dishes from their utensils and plan for next year. Let this book serve as a constant reminder of those who made war in the kitchen and serve as a testament to the honor of those who won. Let us recall all who were on the field, their plan of attack, and for whom they fought. This companion has be constructed in such a way for those who come after to recreate what has transpired this day, the eighteenth day of the month of October year two thousand and fourteen.
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