Bent But Not Broken

Bent But Not Broken

Life can be relentlessly cruel! It would be a serious understatement to say that the foundation of my life was shaky. It would be closer to the truth to say that I had no foundation. Why? Well, because you see, my foundation was built on loss, abandonment, rejection and abuse that wreaked havoc throughout my life starting as far back as I can remember. That havoc continued throughout my life like a chronic illness. As this dis-ease continuously caused confusion, pain and destruction over and over again, I dealt with it and moved on from one problem to the next. One day, as a single mother of three young children, I finally decided that I could no longer ignore the way that I was living my life and the effect that my choices would eventually have on the true "LOVES" of my life, my babies. Because of them, I made life changes that ultimately improved the quality of all our lives. Today, I am healing from a lifetime of scars. I am proud of my children and all that they are and will be in this world. As I share my story with you, it is my sincere hope/intention to encourage anyone who is going through troubled times. TRUST me, no matter what you have been through you can be healed. It won't be easy but if you put in the work and hold true to yourself, you too will break the cycle and cure the dis-ease of dysfunction in your life. Remember this, because you are alive and still breathing there is hope! YOU and I are still standing - WE are "BENT BUT NOT BROKEN".
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