Bad Blood (The Naturals #4) ((The Naturals #4))

The word MASTERPIECE is underrated to this book !!!!!!!
What the heck did I just read !!!!
Totally speechless. Like I can't process what I had just finished. This book was SO intense I just had to keep reading, I couldn't put it down. It made me feel all types of emotions. It was the most one of the series that had ALOT of PLOT TWISTS !! In the last 50% of the book, every chapter had a plot twist. I kept saying that's it there's no way there's another plot twist coming I figured it all out, and WHOA here it was coming making me stare at nowhere in my bedroom. I loved every second of this book as much as I was scared to continue it knowing I'd be traumatised after I finished it.

You know that feeling when the author clearly wants you to feel something about be it the revelations, the characters, the false truths, and yet you don’t. Sums up how I felt for this book. I had a grand time, don’t get me wrong, but nothing in particular about this book landed with me.

Not as good as the others :(

The only reason that I marked this down was because it kind of put me to sleep at the beginning but the ending…BOY THE ENDING I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN.

This series is so great - as a criminal minds junkie this book series is done soooo well!!!

you know it’s a good series when finishing it and the thought of having to part with it makes you cry 🕚🩸

Such a propulsive end to the series! And wow too violent for YA!

If I could give this book 6 stars I eould have. The storyvwas so exciting and the way that we were able to find out about the characters back stories. And don’t start about the plot twist after plot twist at the end😍😍😍

gonna miss them your honor ueueue


I really enjoyed this. And i’m also really sad to be leaving this world behind. I absolutely love this series and it’ll forever be in my heart. I fell in love with every character and every storyline. I never wanted to put the books down. I got emotional, especially during this one and tears were shed. Everything connected in the end. The novella was really nice, and i’m glad it was there. I only wish we did get more of the whole gang together and not just doing separate things. I also liked how we got to know a little of their past.

what just happened

I absolutely love this whole series. It captures you and is thrilling from beginning to end. It was so nice to see how everything tied together since book 1 into this final book. I think all of the characters are incredibly important to this series and is important to understand all of them and what all they add to the plot. Highly recommend this series to anyone and everyone. It’s so much fun and interesting and is easy to understand even when the content would seem complicated.

noooo i dont want this series to be over🥲

** spoiler alert ** i liked this one the best. and for me personally this was more entertaining and interesting than the other three (but i still love the 3) cuz the case with cassie’s mom has been going on since book 1 and i rly liked connecting the pieces together in this book. i also liked being “oh my god no way him??” super fun 10/10 the ending was kinda hmm.. got pissed off when the fbi agents arrive 1sec too late to save cassie’s mom but whtvr i also liked seeing cassie and dean’s relationship more here OH AND MICHAEL AND LIA’S TOO. celine and sloan? cherry on top. manifesting spinoff with michael and lia i need a book dedicated to these two.

I'm so flipping sad to have finished this series.
This is truly the closest book I've read to criminal minds, and now I have to go back to reading normal things and that makes me mad.

I liked this I think it was pretty good, the twist at the end with the identity of the Big Bad Guy was a little disappointing though purely because it felt like this series already used a very similar twist. I was happy with some of the revelations but some of them felt like I could see them coming. I was entertained however and I liked the series overall. the weirdest part for me was that the little girl’s name was laurel lol it’s not a super common name so when the audiobook narrator was talking about the Baddie watching laurel while she sleeps or slicing laurel open I can’t lie I did jump a bit haha

it was giving riverdale season 2

this was crazy

This series truly has such a special place in my heart. I genuinely think about it so often, and that's how I know it's a 5-star series for me. I absolutely love all of the Naturals (especially Michael). I'm still a bit bummed that Cassie didn't choose Michael because I love him so much but I do still really like her and Dean together. I'm sad to be wrapping up this series but I enjoyed every second of it.

This is a part series, part single book review. I honestly can not think of a way to review this series, and book in particular, so I am just going to say that I absolutely loved this whole series, it has sparked my interest for psychological thrillers and crime books, I can guarantee you cannot count the number or amazing plot twists on 2 hands, and anyone who has been ,or is even remotely interested in crime solving YA books should read this(if you think you can stomach a little...... a lot of word gore and demented killer thoughts. I was sooo impressed with how Jennifer Lynn Barnes wrote these books, and even though I was a little mad at the ending, it was also very fulfilling. Overall, GREAT thriller, mystery, crime, amazing series that I will almost without a doubt be re-reading in the future.

sobbing crying all the above

I've said it after each book, but I'm obsessed with this series. I can't get over how Barnes managed to write such a compelling story. They're so addicting, and I devoured each installment in one sitting because I couldn't put them down. I needed to know what would happen to Cassie and the Naturals. I needed to know what happened to her mom and how it all tied together. There were so many moments when I was on the edge of my seat. I had no clue how it would wrap up, and I thought Barnes nailed it. It's easily my favorite series I've read by her, and I'm now going to harass everyone I know into picking it up.