The Brothers Hawthorne The Inheritance Games #4

Whilst the plot of the novel was good, I don’t think it was a necessary addition to the trilogy. If you are looking for a bit of closure to the series then this is a great novel 🤷♀️

was a cute, fun, fast read. barnes has a writing style that is good for like a quick snappy read. these books just havent re-achieved that magic the first book had for me though

checking up on my 4 boys and my girl Avery 😋 now gigi!!

This was less confusing than some of the other books in this series which is interesting because it is written from two different perspectives. The author does a good job at tying two stories together. I really enjoyed Graysons character arch in this book so much so that Jameson’s sections seemed uneventful. In the earlier books we didn’t see much of Grayson emotionally, he was like a brick wall but this one he begins to feel and become human. Jameson is the opposite. We connect with him earlier in the series but in this book he is not as strong of a character. Still thought it was lovely all around!

Gigi and Xander need a ship

i love this series it was sooo good but it can be a bit confusing and i had to google some things

Reading this series back-to-back has been an experience and being thrown into the world of puzzles, mysteries and intrigue has been such an immersive one and I have loved page of these books getting to know the characters and the world they live in! It’s a series that will stay with me for a long time and now that I have reached the end (For now) I would love to go back to the start and experience it all again!
The Brothers Hawthorne is a spin off continuation of The Inheritance Games focusing on two of the Hawthorne brothers as opposed to Avery. Drawn into twisted games on opposite sides of the globe, Grayson, and Jameson—with the help of their brothers and the girl who inherited their grandfather’s fortune—must dig deep to decide who they want to be and what each of them will sacrifice to win.
I must admit that I enjoyed tis one but not as much as the original trilogy mostly because of the Dual POV which always came a cliff-hanger that I wanted answers to and took me a second to put my head back into the other brother but by and large I enjoyed this one and I loved getting to know the other characters and expand/develop the world for both brothers!
Now I can’t wait for the Next Instalment as I need answers to the cliffhanger that has been left I need to know what is going to happen next so Role on Book 5!!

I was WAY more invested in Jameson's story than Grayson's. In fact I don't think I cared for Grayson once it became clear the threat wasn't really there and he just had issues with letting people close lmao
I wish Jameson had his own book and then Grayson one of his own as well.

I missed this world. This was a little different than what the series originally felt like. I love the puzzles still included but the other part of the plot reminded me of the Debutante Duet also by Barnes. I really wish Grayson’s character would have been written in the first three books like this one. He was still going through things but wasn’t unlikeable because of the whole love triangle thing. This ending was wild and I’m excited for more of this series to continue and just know I’m going to love it.

loved both grayson and jameson’s sories! book had me on the edge of my seat the whole time!!

i likes the book it had me going crazy wanting to know what would happen after the twists. i was so glad that i read this because i havent read in a while and ( 1 1/2 months) and this book definitely tokk me out of a readin slump. 4.5⭐️

it’s okay to love them both; i did.

In "A Very Risky Gamble," the absence of Eve and the constant mention of Jameson's full name left me perplexed as Grayson's fate remained unresolved. The announcement of another book evoked skepticism, yet the hope for Grayson's redemption compelled me to read on.
Despite initial doubts, the alternating perspectives between Jameson and Grayson proved intriguing. While Jameson's storyline lacked depth, Grayson's journey towards healing and self-discovery resonated deeply. The introduction of his family, particularly Gigi, added layers to his character.
Although Grayson's transformation fell short of expectations, his gradual acceptance of happiness was a redeeming aspect. While the series may not be a literary masterpiece, its characters and their growth offer a compelling narrative.
Looking ahead, I anticipate Grayson's resurgence in the next installment. While healing is commendable, a satisfying comeback is imperative to justify continued investment in the series.

BRO IT WAS INSANE!! The middle is kinda eh BUT THE ENDING??? HELLO??? Totally shocked with the two plot twists and that makes me excited for The Grandest Game!!

The last 150 pages was SO good
The beginning was insanely good too
I’m obsessed with all the brothers especially Jameson
The middle was lowk bad
There were too many characters to remember

i did not like this book. 1.75/5 stars

4.5/5 I missed them SO MUCH! I was not expecting to have two different plots, but I loved it. Jameson's plot was my favorite but Grayson's plot was so important to me. I wish we had more of Xander and Nash tho! I am just so happy of the family they became and I love them so much. God, my heart is just dying rn. I NEED TO NEXT BOOK RN.

meh dnf i think 3 books are enough.. im gonna read it tho when i feel like im in a jameson avery kind of mood

this was very entertaining I’m glad I read it! I think overall the plot wasn’t as tight as the main series bc it was meant to add character development to the boys and not necessarily focus on the plot but oh I looooved jameson’s plot it was so exciting and fun, and I liked seeing Avery from an outsider’s POV. I hope there’s another one in the works, and that that other one maybe focuses a little more on nash and xander too bc I love them nash is my bestie

Not my fool ass thinking this was me finishing this series finally by reading this... a series that I am so weary of, only to discover it's the start of a whole new trilogy?! Girl...

Loved Gigi and Savannah -- excited for the next book!

I love how easy it is to read these books. The chapters where extremely short and I loved the dubble storyline. I do wonder if the series Neede an other book… I also thought of how good these books would be as a movie!

the best parts of the book for me was averyjameson and gigi!! gigi is honestly my new fav
i wish the book had more moments with the brothers together but its understandable that the book is about the brothers' separate journeys. i would've liked to see nash's and xander's journeys as well.
spoilers incoming
for jameson's plot - it was fun and interesting to see the secret society storyline! jameson was having his kenough moment in this book! finding his self-worth! LOVED all the averyjameson moments <3
for grayson's plot - i felt like i understood grayson better as a character after this book. his storyline showcased grayson's slow build up for his eventual character development. however, his character development fell a little flat for me like grayson realized that he love his sisters but then didn't go back for them?? like he just accepted that he lost them like gigi had to go to him IDK UGH

I really like the series, although I wasn‘t sure about the 4th book in the beginning. I especially loved the growth of the characters. Can’t wait for the next one :)

And in that moment, staring at her, imagining this future with her, Jameson knew: He was going to tell her everything. If he’d learned one thing from the Game he’d played—and won—it was that he could trust himself to tell her.
He was more than hunger, more than want, more than drive, more than what Tobias Hawthorne had raised him to be.
And he wanted to be more with her.

“Do you believe it now?” Avery asked him. “That you are extraordinary?”
The way she said the word made him feel like he was, like he always had been. Like winning might never be enough, but he was. Together, they were.

“I didn’t say that.” Jameson thought back to the moment before he’d leapt onto the bell. He’d hesitated, one thing—one person—on his mind. Avery. Jameson was fast cars and tantalizing risks, laughing in the face of danger and stepping right up to the edge of magnificent drops. But he was also hers.

Jameson looked to Avery. He saw nothing in the room but Avery. “Give the key to Zella,” he said softly.

Two years earlier, Jameson wouldn’t have hesitated to do the same. He would have welcomed the danger, the thrill, used it to wash away everything else. But now?
He could see Avery in his mind’s eye.
No matter what you win, he could hear Ian saying, you always need more.

Jameson came to a stop and turned to face her, so he could quiet the storm inside in the only way he knew how. He pushed Avery’s wild, wind-blown hair back from her face. She tilted her head back, and he brought his lips down on hers—not hard this time but soft and slow. His mouth hurt. His face and body hurt. Everything hurt. But kissing Avery? That hurt in the best possible way.

“Men like us love only once,” the old man said quietly. “Fully. Wholeheartedly. It’s all-consuming and eternal. All these years your grandmother has been gone.…” Tobias Hawthorne’s eyes closed. “And there hasn’t been anyone else. There can’t and won’t be. Because when you love a woman or a man or anyone the way we love, there is no going back.” That felt like a warning more than a promise.

“So there is no what if I’d chosen a different life or fallen in love with someone truly capable of loving me back. There is no what if I knew then what I know now. No regret. There can’t be. Because as much as I want a different life right now, I want to be their mom more.”
Breathing shouldn’t be so difficult, Grayson thought, but it was, because he had never in his life been that for anyone, least of all Skye. And suddenly, he wanted to play what-if himself, because having that—it would have changed everything.
It would have meant everything.

“I’m not asking you to, Jameson.” Avery brought her hand to his abdomen, just under his rib cage—his bruised and battered rib cage. “I am asking you,” she continued fiercely, “to remember that this matters.” His pain. His body. “You matter.”
Once upon a time, he would have had a flippant response for that, would have deployed it like a grenade. But not now. Not with her.

“You winked at him? During the descent?” Ian threw his head back and laughed. It was so unexpected that Jameson almost didn’t notice—I have his laugh.
I don't like Ian but I still kinda do💀 He reminds me so much of Jameson.. Why can't he be like Xander's dad and built a connection😭 I pray to god this is his way of doing exactly that and not just get it back and never speak to him again🥲

That last sentence, more than anything else, convinced Jameson that Ian’s offer was genuine. If I win him Vantage, he’ll leave it to me. The Hawthorne side of Jameson recognized the obvious: He could win it for himself, cut Ian out.
But then it wouldn’t be a gift from his father.

He needed this. He needed her. Kissing Avery always felt right. It felt like everything, like more, like there was a purpose to his hunger, and this was it. This was it. This was it.
And still, he couldn’t turn off the part of his brain that said he’d failed. That yet again, he wasn’t enough. Ordinary.

“You’re going to do it, aren’t you?” Avery asked.
Jameson opened his eyes, stared into hers, then lit the fuse.
“No, Heiress. We are.”
I literally LOVE that they are partners in crime

But Jameson wasn’t the Hawthorne known for making the smart choice. He took risks. He went with his gut. This might be the only conversation we ever have.
“Do you sleepwalk?”
Love him😭 trying to find a connection even if he doesn't want any🤧

If Avery had wanted to force him to tell her, she could have. One little word— Tahiti— and his secrets would have been hers. But she wouldn’t force this, and Jameson knew that, and it killed him. Everything about her killed him in the best possible way.

“You’ve got that look on your face.”
Jameson ran a hand over Avery’s hair. Her head was still on his chest, but her eyes were open.
“What look?” he asked softly.
“Our look.”
Avery’s brain was just as wired for puzzles as his was.

Heads or tails was an invitation. A challenge. You kiss me, or I kiss you. “Dealer’s choice, Heiress.”
I love them😭 idk how anyone could ever be Team Grayson but thank god we left that behind us

The roar of the falls. The mist in the air. The feel of the back of Avery’s body against the front of his. Jameson Winchester Hawthorne was hungry— for this, for her, for everything, all of it, more.
I literally LOVED the he's hungry quote in the series but I'm also worried he's too hungry to really fuck it up in the future💀

“It was—now and always—Jameson and Avery against the world.”