
good fr

Honestly better than the first one. It got a tiny bit repetitive at times but the story was really interesting.
Team Jer but I love them both

It was upon reading the first few chapters that I realized that I did in fact read this series at least a decade ago… clearly wasn’t super memorable for me.,

I did like this book more than the first but at times the characters just really annoyed me.

take me to cousins beach rn

It's Not Summer Without You is much better than the first book in the series. When a loved one dies, it is so easy for your head to become clouded, to not think straight at all. In the last book, I thought Belly's actions were incredibly immature. In this book, Belly's actions are still questionable but can be seen as understandable given Susannah's death--everyone's actions were. Her relationship with Conrad was ill-defined, and I strongly related to how much that hurts as well. Belly and Conrad need to learn how to communicate their feelings and needs, but that's part of growing up. Also, Laurel just #girlbosses in this book so hard. I respect it, and I'm glad that Belly is learning to appreciate Laurel. Susannah is to Belly what Laurel is to Conrad.

eh… 2,75 stars ⭐️


I didn’t want to make the same mistakes my parents made. I didn’t want my love to fade away one day like an old scar. I wanted it to burn forever.

We pulled into the gas station parking lot, and while Jeremiah filled the car up and Conrad napped, I ran into the convenience store. I got Jeremiah and me both Slurpees, half Coke and half cherry, a combination I had perfected over the years.
this book.

"You were a real badass, Mom."
“Don't cuss." she said, the corners of her mouth turn- ing up.
“You're one to talk."

"Excuse me, but fuck you.”

It was Steven's ringtone, a Taylor Swift song he pretended to hate but secretly loved.
taylor swift 💕💕