The Beauty Volume 2
After the shocking events of Issue 6, we're introduced to Timo, Ezerae anda host of new characters, as well as your favorites from the first arc, tofurther explore a dark and demented world tainted by THE BEAUTY, whereperfection is a fatal disease, and not everyone wants a cure. Thedisturbing world of THE BEAUTY, from creators JEREMY HAUN and JASON A. HURLEYexpands with new stories featuring guest artists MIKE HUDDLESTON and BRETTWELDELE. Collects issues 7 through 11.
shelby mosel@shelbymosel
shelby mosel@shelbymosel
Tylar M@queenserenity
Tylar M@queenserenity
Tylar M@queenserenity
Mary Lawrence@marybooklover
Mary Lawrence@marybooklover
Elisa Bieg@bookishexpat
Alianor Chapman@peachesjuleps
Alianor Chapman@peachesjuleps
André Nóbrega@anobrega85
André Nóbrega@anobrega85
André Nóbrega@anobrega85