Confronting Corruption

Confronting Corruption The Elements of a National Integrity System

Jeremy Pope2000
The first version of this Source Book argued the case for a "National Integrity System", an holistic approach to transparency and accountability and embracing a range of accountability "pillars", democratic, judicial, media and civil society. The expression has since passed into common usage in development circles, and the argument for an holistic approach to anti-corruption efforts has similarly achieved a widespread consensus. The fight against corruption is not wholly a moral one, in the sense that it is a struggle against the intrinsic "evil" of corruption. Certainly there is a moral element - and one which cuts across al major religions and societies throughout the world. But the compelling reason for the struggle is the suffering and deprivation corruption brings to whole societies, and to the world's most poor. It is concern for the latter, rather than a distaste for the corrupt and their deeds, that rightly drives the global movement against corruption.
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