Bad Samaritans

Bad Samaritans The ACLU's Relentless Campaign to Erase Faith from the Public Square

A new and scorching expose of the American Civil Liberties Union, examining its history, goals, tactics, funding, and the war it daily wages against faith and the legacy of the Founding Fathers. Since its founding in 1920, the American Civil Liberties Union has championed from the political left a war against God. It haspursued through legal challenges a concerted effort to remove from the public arena of the United States any reference to the Judeo-Christian tradition our Founding Fathers considered fundamental to our freedoms. Bad Samaritans seeks not only to document the ACLU's history and its financing, but to argue that the ACLU's godless legal agenda has turned contemporary American politics away from the openly professed religion of our Founding Fathers. Fundamentally, what the ACLU has sought to achieve involves a subtle redirection of the underlying American political philosophy to the radical political left, embracing, without openly admitting it was doing so, a radical atheistic social agenda that Marxists could embrace.Thus, we have gone from Thomas Jefferson's admonition to separate Church and State to avoid establishing a state religion, to a conviction that God should be erased entirely from the public arena, even if that involves rewriting history.Similarly, we have abandoned the protection of all life from conception to advocate a "woman's right to choose," even if that choice involves allowing abortion at will. Corsi argues that in the balance stands not onlythe future of the American family, but also the security of our constitutional republic itself.
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