Bedroom Games

Bedroom Games

Kandis Thornton isn't afraid to lie, scheme, and sneak her way to the grand prize money on the Reality TV show, House Guests. That prize money is the only thing keeping her mother from losing her house (and thus moving in with Kandis). She needs that money, and if she has to step on a few people to do so? She'll do it. House Guests is a show all about outplaying your house-mates, after all, and she's not there to make friends. But Kandis didn't count on the fact that someone else was going to be playing just as hard as her. And she didn't plan on teaming up with her nemesis, or scheming their way to the top. Nor did she plan on sleeping with him. But these things just happen when you're stuck in a ridiculous house with nothing but time on your hands and a hot guy sharing your bedroom...
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Photo of Kim
4 stars
Oct 6, 2021

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads . If you've read my reviews of the other books in Jessica Clare's Games series (Wicked Games, Playing Games, Ice Games), you know I once considered myself a total reality TV addict. I didn't care about comedies or dramas on TV. Give me reality any day. I could get everything I needed in one place. I've slowly weaned myself off most reality shows. The only two I still watch are So You Think You Can Dance and Big Brother. Guess which show this book is based off? Big. Brother. It should be no surprise this is my favorite book in the series so far. Bedroom Games introduces us to my favorite heroine in the series (to date anyhow), Kandis. I thought she was funny and snarky. She was determined to win and she had a very believable reason to want to do so. She was a strong player on the show and she could be ruthless when she needed to be. As a fan of the game, I had to respect her gameplay, even if it was a bit sketchy at times. I mean, that's the name of the game after all. It was easy for me to root for her. Brodie, who you'll remember from Playing Games if you've read the series so far, is back. Now, I detested Brodie in Playing Games. He was a jerk. He threw his sister under the bus. We see a different side of Brodie in Bedroom Games. He's still playing the hell out of the game, but he's not the jerk I might have originally thought. He and Kandis were a great pair. She didn't put up with his bullish*t or fall for his come-ons. You know... until she did. Then suddenly, they were the unbeatable pair in the game, spending their nights together while the cameras were off (hello, HOT!) and each wondering what the other was up to with the other players. I loved them together. They were passionate about the game–and each other. There was a bit of a twist in this story and I saw red until I got the whole story. But aside from that one moment, this book was just flat-out fun and sexy. It's a quick, light read. I loved all the bits about Big Brother (er, House Guests). Jessica did a great job writing the stereotypical reality show characters and the challenges and drama would fit right in on the real show. Jessica Clare's Games series is the perfect guilty pleasure. If you enjoy sexy new adult romances and you've not picked this series up, I can't stress how much you're missing. Loving reality TV shows isn't necessarily, but it would certainly enhance your enjoyment. I want this series to continue forever. It's light and sexy and the characters are all fantastic. I can't wait for more! I flipping love this series.

Photo of Madelen Ehlis
Madelen Ehlis@mehlis
4 stars
Nov 15, 2023