Cross-cultural Competence and Small Groups

Cross-cultural Competence and Small Groups Why Sof Are the Way Sof Are

Dr. Turnley has contributed two papers addressing the community's interest on who we are and why we are successful in our operations. The two papers are titled Forward-Deployed Warrior Diplomats: SOF and Cross-Cultural Competence and Creating the Conditions for a Possible Masterpiece: Small Groups and Special Operations Forces. These two papers are combined for this monograph to provoke the community's thinking of who we are and how we are organized. The Forward-Deployed paper asserts that SOF effectiveness of "by, with, and through" depends on our skills as warrior diplomats. This focus includes our cultural understanding and language skills or cross-cultural competency. Her paper on Creating the Conditions for a Possible Masterpiece links the competency to SOF small units as a reason for special operation successes. SOCOM is promoting the concept of the 3-D warrior. The Ds are diplomacy, defense, and development, which are consistent with by, with, and through. The execution of the 3-Ds vary by the SOF component due to organization, mission, and unit structure. She explains the size issue of the unit in her Creating the Conditions for a Possible Masterpiece. Dr. Turnley makes several important points on cultural competency and its impact on mission. In addition to language skills, SOF warriors need to understand the culture of the supported nation. This understanding will afford the SOF warrior a higher probability of success in Dr. Turnley's model of force persuasion. She further develops her position by exploring the relationship between language, culture, and regional knowledge. She makes a crucial point about Internal Defense and Development (IDAD) for SOF. The difference between IDAD and foreign internal defense (FID) is that IDAD requires more cross-cultural skills than FID does. Any unit can conduct FID, but IDAD needs specialists-SOF troops. Dr. Turnley emphasizes this point in Creating the Conditions for a Possible Masterpiece by pointing out the key points from William McRaven's book, Spec Ops on the essential principles of special operations. Two of those principles seen as critical in IDAD are purpose and simplicity. SOF regional orientation realizes purpose and simplicity. This contributes to a focus that can stimu- x late a feeling of collective purpose. Their combination allows SOF units to work the IDAD campaign. Dr. Turnley's two papers cause us to reflect on who we are, what we should do, and how we are organized. Our understanding of cultural, language, and SOF core activities permit the collective conscience to become that 3-D warrior. Kenneth H. Poole, Ed.D., GS-14 Director, JSOU Strategic Studies Department
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