Women, Let's Rise

Women, Let's Rise Empowering Women To Thrive and Lead

Foreword by Violette de Ayala, International Bestselling Author of The Self Guided Guru and Founder of FemCity with 25,000 women reached world wide. Violette has been featured in People, InStyle, Real Simple, and Marie Claire Magazines. Women Let's Rise empowers women from all walks of life to live to her highest potential and to share impact with the world through leadership. Whether you are an ambitious entrepreneur in your twenties, a stay at home mom in your forties, or a tech savvy grandmother in your sixties, women of all generations from all corners of the world have the power to affect positive change with those around us by sharing our best authentic selves. This moving collection of personal journeys, insights, and wisdom encourages women to use their natural talents of self-reflection, connection, and collaboration to influence and inspire. Working towards a world where women are fully valued for their energy and contribution, Women Let's Rise aims to ignite the fire within every woman to power up, step out, and empower the world with her presence.
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