Totally Corrupt

Totally Corrupt The Republican Agenda, Today

Jim Green2017
This book is DEDICATED TO: The eradication of FEAR in America-as FDR articulated: "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." In short, fear is the mother of all cancers on the body politic of America.....i.e., fear is a wall to keep the Mexicans out, and drives our insidious racism.....and the pernicious fear resulting from McCarthyism still hangs like a black cloud over and cripples America to this day, resulting in our Third World healthcare system, and Job Creation--and is the parent of the pervasive hate in America illustrate: I didn't write the following. It is a cut and paste from FACEBOOK, or some blog [would like to give credit if knew the author]--but it is so on target regarding how "fear" is driving Conservative policy in America today-i.e., is undermining America and our progress-and relegating America to a Third World country status, rather than a world leader-"Conservatives are such cowards: they are afraid of gay people getting married or serving in the military; they are afraid of bringing terrorists to super max prisons in the US from which no one has ever escaped; they are afraid of the boy scouts letting gay kids in; they are afraid of everyone voting and are constantly suppressing the vote under some bogus voter fraud theory; they are afraid of letting students vote at their universities; they are afraid of women having the right to choose; they even are afraid of women getting contraception [the real issue actually is a women's agency and control over their bodies]; they are afraid of immigration reform leading to citizenship because they are afraid of-- name whatever reason; they are afraid of mandating gun purchasers to undergo background checks for crazy people and terrorists; they are afraid of people smoking pot; they are afraid of climate change being real and contradicting their beloved Bible; they are afraid of legitimate campaign reform; they are afraid of Muslims; they are afraid of blacks; they are afraid of atheists; they are afraid of hippies; they are afraid of socialists; they are probably still afraid of monsters under their beds; they are just rank cowards and keep making things up to be afraid of."
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