
Well, I'm not going to lie to you. I really liked that shit. Besides the artwork not being my favourite half the time throughout this whole story, everything else was really captivating. Really interesting as to where it's going to lead and all. Mainly, I was reading this because of (duh) Thanos.. and that's what I'm binge-reading nowadays just before the movie, so yeah, I remember reading this back in the 90s, I remember NOT finishing reading this, I think I missed issues or something and I wasn't too much into it or something. Stupid kid and everything. I blame not being into cosmic stuff from Marvel back then. Oh well... If you want some Thanos and some Warlock and some Infinity Gauntlet Aftermath, this is your jam. This is your jam and your jelly. I liked it. Maybe even too much than I should have. Highly recommended for Thanos stuff.