Boulevard Photographic

Boulevard Photographic

Jim Williams1997
The most striking, stunning, and memorable photos from Boulevard Photographic, the source for automotive advertising photography from the mid-1950s to the '80s, is presented here for the first time in any book.Photographers Jim Northmore and Mickey McGuire launched their Boulevard studio in 1955, and their innovative, imaginative style captured the elegance, power, and lifestyle imagery that auto makers wanted to convey in advertising.Their work was so effective that they worked for all the major US auto makers at the same time and for several European car companies. Whether shooting in studios or on location, the creative Boulevard Photographic staff captured the exact image auto makers wanted to present.Since even the oldest film was properly preserved -- and some of it was shot on enormous 8-1/2x11 -inch transparencies -- the quality of the photo reproductions throughout the book is breathtaking.
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