Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind

Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind Harry Potter Hogwarts Schulbücher

„Ein Blick in die mittelalterliche Kunst und Literatur der Muggel zeigt, dass viele der Geschöpfe, die sie heute für Sagenwesen halten, damals tatsächlich bekannt waren." Jeder Harry-Potter-Fan weiß, dass in den Regalen der Bibliothek von Hogwarts alle möglichen faszinierenden Bücher stehen. Insbesondere gibt es drei, die von gewissen Hogwarts-Schülern schon des Öfteren erwähnt wurden und die du auch auf deine eigene Leseliste setzen kannst. Eines davon ist Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind. Seit seiner Veröffentlichung ist Newt Scamanders Meisterwerk Pflichtlektüre an der Hogwarts-Schule für Hexerei und Zauberei und hat Generationen von Zaubererfamilien in seinen Bann gezogen. Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind von Newt Scamander bietet eine unverzichtbare Einführung in die Tierwesen der magischen Welt. Beim Durchblättern von Newts berühmtem Notizbuch reist du um die ganze Welt und entdeckst die vielen verschiedenen Geschöpfe, die zu erforschen und zu schützen er zu seinem Lebenswerk gemacht hat. Einige der Tierwesen werden Fans der Welt der Zauberer bekannt sein: der Hippogreif, der Niffler, der ungarische Hornschwanz ... Andere werden sogar den eifrigsten Amateur-Magizoologen in Erstaunen versetzen. Fans von Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind werden auch die anderen Hogwarts-Schulbücher mögen: Quidditch im Wandel der Zeiten und Die Märchen von Beedle dem Barden. Comic Relief, Handelsname von Charity Projects, ist im Vereinigten Königreich als Wohltätigkeitsorganisation eingetragen unter den Nummern 326568 (England/Wales) und SC039730 (Schottland). Die Lumos Foundation ist im Vereinigten Königreich als Wohltätigkeitsorganisation eingetragen unter der Nummer 1112575 (England/Wales). 15 % der Einnahmen*, die Pottermore Limited mit diesem Hörbuch erzielt, gehen an die Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen zur Unterstützung ihrer Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen im VK und anderen Teilen der Welt. Von diesen Einnahmen gehen 20 % an Comic Relief und 80 % an die Lumos Foundation. *Unter Einnahmen ist der Kaufpreis abzüglich der Mehrwertsteuer zu verstehen.
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Photo of Sarah Sammis
Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
2 stars
Apr 4, 2024

Also not my cup of tea.

Photo of Kat Albanese
Kat Albanese@coachkitty
5 stars
Jan 5, 2024

impressed and delighted by the bounds of playful imagination. really fun and magical. (textbook, not the screenplay)

Photo of Nina Verhaaff
Nina Verhaaff @nina2501
3 stars
Nov 15, 2023

When I read this book at first I didn't know it was a script. It was annoying until I read further, I kinda liked the way it is written. You literally read what is in the movie so if you missed any details you will discover them in the book eventually.

Photo of Melissa Palmer
Melissa Palmer@melissapalmer404
4 stars
Nov 5, 2023

Book #101 Read in 2017 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them--Illustrated Another beautifully illustrated book from the Harry Potter series, this book details the A-Z of the magical beasts that a Muggle would find in the world of Hogwarts. This was a cute, quick read. I borrowed this book from the public library.

Photo of Katelyn Payne
Katelyn Payne @kateyvette
4 stars
Sep 15, 2023

This book was a super easy read. I did think that it was a pretty good book. However, I felt like the ending was a little bit anticlimactic. But I do love the story and the characters.

Photo of Fer Azura
Fer Azura@fer_reads1
5 stars
Jul 26, 2023

Slow at the start but once you get to the middle it's so good

Photo of Kelsey Joëlle
Kelsey Joëlle@kelseyjoelle
3 stars
Apr 8, 2023

Is it just me, or is there not a lot happening in this book / movie? I was almost bored, even though the characters are all still amazing. Not a lot of fantastic beasts, not really a ‘storyline’. But we did get to meet young Dumbledore and I did love that. Also, young minny is all I needed. Did fell in love with Leta, she’s badass. Oh and Nagini was also great. I’m still excited to see where the books go, I love newt more than Harry as a main character

Photo of Ria
5 stars
Jan 28, 2023

Just listening to the audiobook pushed this from a 4 to 5, Eddie Redmayne is an amazing narrator!

Photo of Anna Ureta
Anna Ureta@akiikomori
5 stars
Jan 23, 2023

If you've seen the movie, it's like watching it again in your mind. Absolutely loved it :D <3 !!!

Photo of Jamieson
5 stars
Jan 23, 2023

When this book first was released, I spent a long, long time staring at these (gorgeous) hardcovers in the shops and contemplating the necessity for their existence. Did I really need to read the screenplay for a movie I've already seen? Is there actually a point to that? Then, Christmas rolled around and I was gifted the book from my sister. I could not read it whenever I wanted to, and I just thought to myself will there be a time I feel like reading a screenplay ?!?! Apparently, yes. It's today. I was tired & sick ( and by that I mean, *cough cough* hungover as fuck *cough cough* and this seemed like a good idea "My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice.” I am going to say straight up ... see the movie before reading this. There are very few visual cues within the screenplay, so having knowledge of the movie made it more enjoyable in terms of visualising things. This is a book best used for review. I liked that I could read the exact movie text, with my knowledge of the events for the movie and the reveals toward the end to spot and deconstruct the things that happened before those reveals. I'M HONESTLY JUST GONNA WRITE DOWN MY THOUGHTS OKAY 1: Graves/Grindlewald: I am genuinely thrilled with how Graves/Grindlewald is written. (I am ..... I am less thrilled about Johnny Depp being cast tho HE'S SO EW AND HE WILL RUIN IT ALL) Anyway .. composing myself. (btw this is like the main thing I read the book for so there's alot of notes on it okay Grindlewald just fascinates me as a character) I liked how Graves demeanour and how he manipulated people was explicitly shown. The way that he emotionally abused Credence and manipulated him, both through his words but also in his behaviour and treatment of Credence was not nice but also perfectly showed why Grindlewald is such a diabolical character. We know from Harry Potter that Grindlewald was charming, and that he toyed his the emotions of those around him for his own benefit. The way that he gave and then took away affection from Credence to control him, and the way he acted among his colleagues fully highlighted that aspect of his character. The way he treated Credence was disgusting and clearly abusive, but that did show the kind of character he was and why he was so incredible dangerous for many reasons, not just because he's an excellent wizard which was also shown. It is easy to see why many people were charmed and even infatuated with him (lookin @ u albus), I just wish perhaps he'd had more of that charm and fun thats described in Deathly Hallows. (Harry describes him as having a "Fred and George air of trickery about him". I didn't see that --- but I liked the other stuff I saw. 2: CREDENCE DESERVED BETTER !!!!!! Reading this has made me 565760493x more sympathetic to Credence, and the way he was being manipulated was much more obvious the second time round. It was awful how characters were mistreating him, and how heavily they were emotionally abusing him. The gay subtext between him and Graves was kind of uncomfortable, just because it made me queasy to read how controlling Graves was via their "relationship" and how he used affection to manipulate Credence. It was definitely a relationship in which all the power was held solely by Graves and that made it very uncomfortable to read (because it was obvious to me and not to Credence maybe?) and because it was obviously just unhealthy. Although it was a relief Credence is supposedly an adult in the screenplay because he looks like a teenager in the movie and that was even more uncomfortable 3: If J.K was going to use sexuality as a subplot she should have done it better. It's beyond ridiculous how much she's claimed she supports diverse narratives while excluding them from her own stories. Can she not just use the word Gay?. I know it's only the first book, but still it sucks. 4: Queenie and Tina are super cool female characters. Despite my several aggravations toward J.K her female characters are always totally badass and Queenie and Tina are no different. I love how Queenie so unashamedly used her leglimens, and I liked how Tina wasn't wimpy but was very no nonsense and down to business. I LOVED that she was a career woman despite the era. 5: NEWT !!! Newt newt newt what a cute lil bean. It's just gonna be obvious me and probably everyone likes him. I loved he was a hufflepuff, because it's an under appreciated house and also something new from the host of Gryffindors we had in Harry Potter. The way he treated his animals was adorable, and I can't get over him calling such beautiful and majestic creatures things like Dougal and Frank. 6: Side note but this book is beautiful inside and out Look, beside the fact Johnny Depp playing Grindlewald makes me unbearably uncomfortable I am so excited for the rest of this series. I AM JUST SO MAD WE COULDN'T HAVE COLLIN FARREL WHO PLAYED GRAVES/GRINDLEWALD SO PERFECTLY FOR THE ENTIRE MOVIE CONTINUE ON LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK anyway. I really think this is a good read after the movie if you wanna analyse some things in the movie again. I think it gives some good insights into Grindlewald and Credence and I can't believe that's one book down for 2017 already!

Photo of Ivy X
Ivy X@poisonivayy
3 stars
Jan 10, 2023

Written like an encyclopedia/textbook -- this is a pretty accurate depiction of what a Harry Potter textbook would look like

Photo of Stef
4 stars
Jan 2, 2023

"Pemahaman yang sepotong-potong, sering kali lebih berbahaya daripada ketidaktahuan." ...(pg 21) Setelah menimbun buku ini terbilang cukup lama akhirnya bisa kebaca juga. Buku yang notabene karangan dari Newt yang isi nya kurang lebih pengklasifikasikan hewan-hewan fantastis yang hidup di dunia sihir. Beberapa hewan ada yang pernah muncul di versi movie atau pun di buku harry potter nya sendiri. Kekurangan buku nya kurang tebel aja. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baca ulang versi illustrasi nya mumpung ada di kindle unlimited. Ahhh, illustrasi nya cakep pisan di kindle in motion nya, isi nya masih tetep sama dengan buku nya lama yang tipis itu cuman ada penamabahan illustrasi cantik tiap beast nya ><

Photo of Perseus Allen
Perseus Allen@purechaos
5 stars
Dec 27, 2022

This book is very interesting and imaginative. A great book for people who have or haven't read Harry Potter, a more grown up world of Harry Potter. Suitable for all readers, if younger than 6 may want an adult or comfort in case of some scenes scaring or worrying them.

Photo of Siya S
Siya S@haveyoureadbkk
4 stars
Nov 29, 2022

I bought a copy back in 2001, and read it more than two dozen times over the years (of course I'm a Potterhead). I haven't thought of it for a while now but I came across the audiobook version, so I decided to give it a try. I didn't disappoint. In the audiobook version, Eddie Redmayne has done such a great job as a narrator its as if Newt Scamander himself came to read his book to you. It feels very natural, like listening to some BBC wildlife documentaries but with a quirky, magical twist. I couldn't imagine how this would sound like as an audiobook at first, since it's supposed to be some kind of a reference textbook from Harry's class. Also, I've read it cover-to-cover multiple times since it was first out over two decades ago.

Photo of Kelsey Joëlle
Kelsey Joëlle@kelseyjoelle
3 stars
Nov 3, 2022

Is it just me, or is there not a lot happening in this book / movie? I was almost bored, even though the characters are all still amazing. Not a lot of fantastic beasts, not really a ‘storyline’. But we did get to meet young Dumbledore and I did love that. Also, young minny is all I needed. Did fell in love with Leta, she’s badass. Oh and Nagini was also great. I’m still excited to see where the books go, I love newt more than Harry as a main character

Photo of Kelsey Joëlle
Kelsey Joëlle@kelseyjoelle
4 stars
Nov 3, 2022

Quick read. I love newt with all my heart, so I’m always happy to read about his stories. Still not the biggest Tina fan, but I do love queeny and Jacob. Also, the fantastic beasts are so amazing and I love newt being their ‘mummy’ I mean that’s so adorable

Photo of Lea
5 stars
Oct 30, 2022

Loved the movie, loved the screenplay. what else can I say? honestly if you haven't read that book yet then what are you doing go ahead read it!

Photo of Julia Lotz
Julia Lotz@missfoxyreads
5 stars
Oct 20, 2022

Inhalt: Der Magizoologe Newt Scamander will in New York nur einen kurzen Zwischenstopp einlegen. Doch als sein magischer Koffer verloren geht und ein Teil seiner phantastischen Tierwesen entkommt, steckt Newt in der Klemme – und nicht nur er. Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind: Das Originaldrehbuch, nach Motiven aus dem gleichnamigen Hogwarts-Schulbuch, ist das Drehbuchdebüt von J.K. Rowling, Autorin der heiß geliebten und weltweit erfolgreichen Harry-Potter-Serie. Dieses Abenteuer, mit seinen außergewöhnlichen Figuren und magischen Geschöpfen, sprüht vor Ideen und ist große Erzählkunst, die ihresgleichen sucht. Es ist für alle Filmliebhaber und Leser ein absolutes Muss – für eingeschworene Fans wie für jeden Muggel, der die Magische Welt zum ersten Mal betritt. Der Film Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind startete im November 2016 in den Kinos. (Quelle: Verlag) Meine Meinung: Muss ich über den Inhalt dieses Buches noch etwas sagen? Ich glaube nicht. Jeder, der auf diesen Beitrag hier geklickt hat, interessiert sich für das Harry Potter-Universum, denn ansonsten ist die Verfilmung und das Script zu Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind sicher nichts Interessantes für euch. Steigen wir also direkt in die Besprechung ein. Ich habe mich sehr gefreut, als ich erfahren habe, dass Fantastic Beasts nun auch verfilmt werden soll. Viele haben das ja anfangs misstrauisch beäugt doch ich war einfach nur glücklich, denn ich sauge alles, was mit Harry Potter zu tun hat auf. Ich hätte Luftsprünge machen können, als ich erfuhr dass es mindestens fünf Teile geben soll, war super aufgeregt, als ich im Kino saß und überglücklich, als ich endlich das Skript aus dem Carlsen Verlag in meinen Händen hielt und den Film nun in gedruckter Version mehrere Male erleben darf. Natürlich erfährt man nichts neues, denn es handelt sich wirklich nur um das Originaldrehbuch und nicht um ein Buch in Prosa-Form. Im Gegenteil, man muss auf bewegte Bilder und großartig umgesetzte Szenen verzichten, da diese in Skripten nur in einem Satz erwähnt werden. Hat man jedoch den Film gesehen, ist das nicht weiter schlimm, er war mir noch sehr gut im Gedächtnis und das Buch zu lesen war, wie den Film nochmal zu sehen. Einen Vorteil hat die geschriebene Form jedoch: Man kann mehr auf Kleinigkeiten achten, die man beim einmaligen Schauen des Films nicht bemerkt hat. Man geht mit einem völlig anderen Wissensstand an das Buch heran und kann somit mehr verknüpfen, kombinieren und man hat beim Lesen so einige Aha-Momente. Wovon ich sehr begeistert bin, das ist die Gestaltung des Buches. Allein das Cover ist schon sehr schön und ich bin froh, dass es aus dem englischen Übernommen wurde. Außerdem fasst es sich sehr schön an und wirkt durch die Prägung nochmal wertvoller. Innen finden sich jedoch auch auf jeder Seite Verzierungen und phantastische Wesen und somit wird das Design abgerundet. Die Bildchen sind übrigens von der Gestalterin Minalima und im Stil der 20er Jahre gehalten. Hinten an die Geschichte schließt außerdem noch ein Glossar mit wichtigen Begriffen aus der Filmbranche an, sowie ein Verzeichnis mit am Film beteiligten Personen. Fazit: Das Originaldrehbuch zu Phantastische Tierwesen konnte mich überzeugen. Man erfährt zwar nichts, neues und muss darüber hinaus auf das bewegte Bild verzichten, es eignet sich aber perfekt dazu, wieder und wieder in die Welt einzutauchen und alles noch einmal genauer zu lesen und zu untersuchen. Die Gestaltung ist darüber hinaus von Außen wie Innen ein Traum und somit wird das Skript zu einem Schmuckstück im Regal Vielen lieben Dank an den Carlsen Verlag für die Bereitstellung des *Rezensionsexemplars.

Photo of 🌞Laur🌞
4.5 stars
Oct 18, 2022

Good history

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Chloe Verhoeve
Chloe Verhoeve@chloemichelle
3 stars
Oct 9, 2022

3/5* I listened to this on audiobook and I really enjoyed it! To hear about all the different creatures and what they can do. But to really love this book, I believe you need to read the real book, you need to be able to turn the pages and really het invested in it. Because right now, I have no clue what I listened to, I only remember that I liked it!

Photo of Lilian Housley
Lilian Housley@lhousley
5 stars
Oct 8, 2022

The audiobook read by Eddie Redmayne was really good. I recommend reading it via the audiobook

Photo of Yunna Ducharme
Yunna Ducharme@yuducharme
3 stars
Sep 7, 2022

C’était vraiment juste le texte du film lol

Photo of Shrouk Shafie
Shrouk Shafie@sunrise
5 stars
Aug 31, 2022

I loved the graphics in the book!

Photo of Léa
5 stars
Aug 25, 2022

Une excellente surprise ! Je m’attendais pas à autant aimé !


Photo of Ellie
Ellie @elliehutty

“See, they're currently in alien terrain, surrounded by millions of the most vicious creatures of the planet. Humans.” ~ Newt Scamander

Page 113
Photo of Ellie
Ellie @elliehutty

“My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice” ~ Newt Scamander

Page 131
Photo of Beyza

I need to get going, find everyone who's escaped before they get hurt. [...] See, they're currently in alien terrain, surrounded by millions of the most vicious creatures of the planet. Humans.

Page 113