Bound with Love

Bound with Love A Priceless Treasure Changes the Lives of Four Couples

God can work in mysterious ways...even through a rare heirloom like a copy of the Gutenberg Bible. Who would imagine, though, that a Bible could bring such intrigue? Lady Lorice reluctantly enters into an arranged marriage with a family enemy. Do the threatening occurrences that follow mean "'Til death do us part" will be an immediate reality? Or will the emotionally estranged couple find peace in God's Word? Though she despises aristocrats, Paige is delighted to restore the Earl of Monteville's precious books. Frantically dodging the prickly earl and his matchmaker sister, however, Paige discovers that an earl and a common girl can have shared interests after all. Ann loves working in her grandfather's London bookstore - until Nazi bombs begin falling. Taking Grandfather's cherished Gutenberg Bible to the United States for safety, Ann is shadowed by an American she met in London. She fears not only for the safety of the Bible...but for her own life! Angela is bitter when Nick leaves her to fulfill his calling as a missionary - while Nick wrestles with his own guilt. Will both of them find their answers in an inherited Bible? Four generations find the Gutenberg Bible more than just a historic treasure. See how God's Word can actually change lives!
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