Food for the Soul An Inspirational Recipe Book and Journal
Right now, more than anything, we all need hope that is transformative. We also need recipes that will change the way we approach food preparation, from a daunting task of required cooking, to an expression of love through creativity. Food For The Soul is three books in one: 40 + Recipes, 40 dollops of Inspiration/Wisdom, plus 40 Journal pages. We've reserved a seat at the table, all we ask is that you come with open hearts ready to receive. Join us as we serve recipes of wellness, and hearty servings of hope and inspiration, healing words of encouragement and faith, and dollops of wisdom that will challenge you to love unconditionally. Joan Taylor invites us to come along on a journey through the pages of this inspirational recipe book and journal, which will awaken our taste buds, enlighten our perspectives on food and living with purpose - spark our creativity, and feed our soul. Joan encourages us to break bread with God, to break away from the traditional calorie counting obsession. She empowers us to be inspired, journal our experiences, and to create delectable dishes outside the confines of measured ingredients, instead using a dollop of this, a pinch of that, and whole heap of love.