
3/7 done, still love Sirius Black

Increible, tiene drama, peleas, engaños, traicion y plotwist, Es como una telenovela Y no les voy a mentir, mis partes favoritas fueron los partidos de quidditch, me estuve riendo unos solidos 30 minutos

Harrymu je třináct let a konečně doufá, že tento rok bude v Bradavicích normální. Ovšem několik dní před odjezdem do školy zjistí, že z Azkabanu, největšího a nejhlídanějšího vězení pro čarodějky a černokněžníky, uprchl masový vrach.. A podle všeho jde právě po Harrym. . Možná to nevíte, ale třetí díl byl vždycky můj nejoblíbenější. Ať už kniha, tak i film. Proto tomuhle dílu dávám 5*/5*

*update 8/7/21 i guess i liked this one more but i’m still not giving above 2 stars to jkr

Okay now I know why people say if you like movie Snape you won't like book Snape. I can see why.
I loved this book, kts much darker, so much action and one of my favourite movies this book gladly give it five stars.
I loved seeing tje difference between the movies and books


My personal favourite HP book.

reread 9/21/16

4.5/5 Slow in the middle but that end is a BANGER

This book was so good!
I have to admit, after seeing all the movies, these books are hard to stay invested in so far. This, I think, is one of the best Harry Potter books—and the movie stands out as well!
There’s so much more that they never even covered in the movie! On to the next one . . .

This book was phenomenal!
The first two didn’t really stick with me but this one…
I couldn’t put the book down!
So many plot twists

Third read of Prisoner of Azkaban. Enjoyed the vibrant illustrations and creative papercraft in this Minalima edition. They make it feel like I'm reading slightly different book. Almost like listening to a cover of a song, or layering a different soundtrack on a familiar movie.

Mi libro preferido de la saga, y mi película preferida de la saga. Entretenida, refrescante, le guardo especial cariño a este libro, que para mi es el mejor de la saga. Me encanto la re lectura. Volvi a emocionarme con los mismos momentos que la primera vez. Entrañable!

This is gonna be long but here goes. PoA has been one of my favourite books in this series, and I’m glad to see that this hasn’t changed. I only read this series once and when I did that, I read it completely out of order (no comment), starting with this book (then 5, 6, 7, 1, 4, 2). My attachment to it is also partly due to the fact that it introduced me into this world, but I think rereading it has shown me that I happen to love it all on its own too. I’m gonna try to list in a somewhat coherent manner all my thoughts and feelings about it: - first off, I like that this book is somewhere in between the childish magic feeling of the first two books and the somewhat darker side of the story about to unfold in the next books. it’s a nice balance that I enjoyed a lot. we still get to see all the magic at hogwarts, and the same formula as the previous books is more or less the same, but there’s also a lot more feeling to this book, as we learn more about the characters and their pasts during the war - i’d already mentioned this in an update but one thing that stood out to me is how rich with emotion this book is, especially harry’s. we start to get a glimpse of harry no longer putting up with the people around him neglecting to tell him important information about himself (even if it is in the best interest), and i love that. we see harry brimming with anger bc he’s only being told bits of information here and there instead of a whole truth, we see him seething with anger at the thought of his parents having been betrayed by one of their closest friends, and we see him so ashamed of being the only one seemingly affected by the dementors. i loved seeing harry like this, and it was a refreshing change from the somewhat mellow and formulaic characterisation from the previous books - we get a glimpse of harry playing dangerously with a darker side of himself, when he seems almost remorseless at the thought of killing sirius. this, of course, changes, but i would have loved to see this explored in a bit more depth from this book onwards - rowling’s writing is very simple and stylistically very bland; i think her prowess lies mostly in the worldbuilding. that being said, one thing i appreciate about her writing is that it doesn’t drag on. everything we are being shown and told is somehow important for the plot to unfold. every little detail has its use later on - i do find some plot points puzzling though. for example i can’t understand how sirius managed to use his gringott’s account without triggering any attention. i mean surely they would make sure he doesn’t gain access to his money? i also always found the time-travelling part ridiculous, mostly because who leaves a time-turner in the care of a thirteen year old just to manage to attend more classes? even if hermione is very responsible, it just seems extremely irresponsible on the part of the teaching staff - i’ve watched the poa movie a lot of times and i enjoyed seeing the little changes that were made between the original story and the movie, but some things caught my attention that bother me a little: ron (and this is something that applies to the entire movie franchise) is made to be a lot more of a useless fool in the movies, which he isn’t at all in the books? hermione also was made to be a lot more likeable (or at least agreeable to harry and ron’s poor decision-making) in the movies; the same goes for snape, who i find absolutely insufferable in the books, and a teacher who should’ve lost his position a hundred times already for how he treats his students - i continue to be devastated over sirius’ fate and also the overall tragedy of the marauders. worst of all, though, i find those few pages when you hope that harry will finally get the family he deserves, and sirius will he acquitted and they will move in together and all will be well. they both deserve a loving home and peace after what they’ve been through - also one random thought but i guess wizards are just very in touch with their emotions and memories if they’re able to conjure up their happiest memory on the spot and create a patronus? All in all, this story isn’t perfect, but I think it stands as one of the best in the series, both in terms of characterization and world-building.

I love all of the Harry Potter books, but the Prisoner of Azkaban is one of my favorites. I truly enjoyed Sirius & Remus and all that back story over their lives before along with James. I know everyone's read them, but I will still say it: if you haven't, what are you waiting for?!

Very dissapointed at how unhinged JK depicted Snape - everyone's favourite potions master - yet happily surprised by my newfound OTP: Harry and Cho.

I FINALLY finished this! I thought I'd finished this months ago but, upon my return from college, I realized I was wrong. That's not even important though because this book was just SO. GOOD. Every time I finish a Harry Potter novel I get this weird urge to cry. Like this intense wave of emotion just washes over me every time, without fail. Each book is such an adventure; I feel so full after reading. This book is my favorite of the series so far. The past 5 chapters had me hanging on for dear life, and I already knew the outcome from the movies! It's just so nice being able to get the story from this different perspective; it's so rich. I just love this series, guys. It's so nice finally understanding the absolute magic that is J. K. Rowling and her writing. P.S. I'm so excited to finally know exactly what "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs" means!

Let history show that it was around this point in the series where I became an incoherent blob. Beware this review if you're like past!me and hadn't read anything past book one or something equally crazy. I've left any number of spoilers untagged. First of all, how the HEOUCK am I supposed to function when Remus hekkin Lupin exists? HOW? I'm usually not a fan of the werewolf character; I typically just don't get their whole thing, although maybe I've read too many things like Twilight where the werewolf is all "oh woe is me, I have this uncontrollable urge to TURN INTO A GIANT DOG." Maybe it's because I'm less inclined towards shape-shifters in general. But THIS, THIS right here makes me go nuts. He's all poor and he's the best hekkin DAtDA professor that they've had like, ever, and he's so chill about it. Pure, unbridled, unassuming coolness. And then he just *sniffle* resigns like that, and I'm *sniff* over here all by myself. I haven't felt this dismayed while reading a book since...the beginning of this book, which I'm going to talk about don't you worry. He was legitimately the best character in this (brace yourself I'm probably going to say that about everyone except Draco), and the students just deserve a good teacher who's not going to bully them (looking at you Snape sir). They were let down by Quirrell and then Lockhart, and I just don't think I can handle this. Also, I would bet you human money that Hogwarts is the safest place for Lupin to work because Snape could make him the potion every month, and he could just take some wolf time in his chambers. The students were never in danger from him until the very end when he literally was trying to save them and his friend I'M DECEASED. Lupin's sheer cool-ness makes him my absolute favorite character at this point; there was a bit of foreshadowing that he's going to make a reappearance, and I just know I'll positively screech when/if he shows up again. I have so much to talk about and I don't know where to begin. We have to talk about the Buckbeak thing. Hagrid is so eager to teach Care of Magical Animals - it's literally the subject he loves most, and it's so amazing for him to be given a teaching position after he was expelled from Hogwarts. Dumbledore standing up for Hagrid is such a great thing. And then things start to go downhill. He gives them a book with teeth because he thought it was funny, and feeling sad/confused when the students weren't able to get into the books to read them; Film!Hagrid has so much more confidence than Book!Hagrid, which I appreciated only because the book made me feel too many things that I didn't like and I wasn't looking forward to doing that again. I should have known that Draco would ruin everything for Hagrid, but the way he completely ignores Hagrid's CLEARLY GIVEN INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT THE ONE THING YOU SHOULDN'T SAY TO A HIPPOGRIFF, and messes up the lesson just because he's a twerp makes me want to stRANGLE HIM. This kind of personal (small-scale), blatant injustice against such a genuinely good character is the one thing I can't handle in a story. I genuinely didn't know how to handle Hagrid drinking to stop feeling sad because he'd let everyone down and worrying that he'd endangered the kids. He's a little clumsy maybe, but were they really in any more danger than in DAtDA with Lupin?? I doubt that. Hagrid is the best bean, and he's just too hekkin good to be so sad. My heart was breaking. The way he proceeds to lose all confidence and basically do nothing with the class for the rest of the term is such a bummer, because I feel like he was on the way to being a great teacher. *It feels weird to say this, because the casting in these movies is otherwise 100% spot on, but David Thewlis as Lupin didn't quite land for me. That's probably because I have a low burning fear of David Thewlis because of that Dinotopia mini series he did in the aughts (which is one of my favorite things ever tbqh). *For more candid hot takes, I thought I would like Sirius Black more than I did. *Although Sirius offering an alternative home for Harry just about made me cry :˜) *Snape being floated down the tunnel while unconscious, bumping his head on the ceiling because Lupin was too busy talking to Harry to notice, is the thing I'm most disappointed they left out of the film. *Adorable Ron became Relatable Ron so fast that he was honestly probably relatable in the last film too and I just didn't notice. I think I might be Ron Weasley. *I have two time-turner related questions: 1. Why the heck did McGonagall agree to let Hermione do this? McGonagall strikes me as a pretty rational teacher, more so than the others. I just would have expected the response I got in college when I asked to take a math class in three weeks (i.e., "no, you must be nuts"). 2. Why didn't Harry and Hermione try to catch Peter?? They knew he was going to be running away, and they knew the general direction he was planning to head. They could've waited in the bushes or something. But I suppose that would have been too easy. 😑 *I didn't expect to care about Professor Tralawney apart from some mild entertainment (because she was definitely that), but just the fact that she's played by Emma Thompson in the movies was the best hekkin surprise omgosh *^Bug-Eyes McGee iykyk I feel like my brain might explode if I don't read Goblet of Fire immediately.

A fantastic journey to the magical world and back to childhood memories. Having grown up watching the movies but never reading the books, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this. It's certainly aimed at children, but the character depth and interesting plot points make it enjoyable for everyone. Stephen Fry's wonderful narration made the experience so much more fun.

i adore hermione

Re-read for the nth time and still rating it 5 stars.

this is one of my favourites out of all the books. I love the paradox within the story. I still yearn for a time-turner necklace. nice job there, Ms. Rowling.

Best book so far. I’m amazed at how well Rowling brings all the bits and pieces together. Loved it!

-E pensas que os mortos que nós amámos nos deixam verdadeiramente alguma vez? Pensas que não os recordamos com mais clareza do que nunca nos momentos mais difíceis?


Nunca confies em nada que pense por si próprio se não conseguires ver onde tem o cérebro.

Isso sugere que aquilo que provoca mais medo é o próprio medo.

-Eu não costumo ir à procura de problemas. Eles é que vêm ter comigo.

“You don’t understand!” whined Pettigrew. “He would have killed me, Sirius!”


“You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don’t recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble?”

“Professor Trelawney said you didn't have the right aura! You just don’t like being bad at something for a change!”
Dang! Bro, Hermione’s a brat in these books. Kinda hate her right now. 😠

You think the dead we have loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself most plainly when you have need of him. How else could you produce that particular Patronus?
Ok I’m crying

'The Grim, my dear, the Grim!' cried Professor Trelawney who looked shocked that Harry hadn't understood. 'The giant, spectral dog that haunts churchyards! My dear boy, it is an omen - the worst omen - of death!'

Thank you, my dear. Incidentally, that thing you are dreading — it will happen on Friday the sixteenth of October.

"My dad didn't strut," said Harry, before he could stop himself. "And nor do I."

'That is the second time you have spoke out of turn, Miss Granger," said Snape coolly. "Five more points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable know-it-all."
fuck you.

'That suggests that what you fear the most is – fear. Very wise, Harry.'