A Penis Manologue

A Penis Manologue One Man's Response to the Vagina Monologues

Joe DiBuduo2009
Content in this book was banned from a college classroom-the same college classroom that required the reading of The Vagina Monologues. Ironically, it was in that class that this book was inspired. After reading Eve Ensler' book, The Vagina Monologues, Joe DiBuduo wanted to show a male's point of view to the subjects mentioned in Ensler's book. He planned to write a screenplay and call it, The Penis Chronicles. After handing out a questionnaire to a multitude of people who said they would participate, Joe received only one response. The Penis Chronicles couldn't be written with only his and another man's responses. He then realized how reticent most men, and even a college instructor, were to talk about penises. At that point he felt obligated to write his own attitude about the male appendage. So, he ended up with one monologue-his own-one man-a manologue. Free sample chapters at http://www.apenismanologue.com
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