Security Guard 108

Security Guard 108 The Tameworth Mysteries

Joe King2021
Growing up on a council estate and going from being bullied, to the bully, Danny's life is set to go down one road, prison. Enrolling into the Army should have been the making of him, but after a traumatic event in the middle east, Danny had no idea how vulnerable his mind could be as he tries to tell his story of events that leads him down a rabbit hole of alien abduction and conspiracies he could never have imagine existed."Hi, my name is Danny Bridges, and I can tell you one thing. Do not believe a word anyone tells you about aliens unless it is, they are real because from what I have just experienced I never thought they could mess up my life like they have. I am the one you see. They want people like me who have that certain extra intelligence like I have. Got me locked up it has but that is only the half of it as I will try to explain it to you. The world is under threat and these alien geezers want change to come and for people like me, young and prime to do their bidding once they have brainwashed me, but I am not having it. I will fight to the last breath to stop this happening and if I were you, I'd be careful who you trust because they could be knocking on your door next. I thought I was just a nobody once. A council estate lad from Tameworth with nothing more than my streets to get me by. What a joke that is. Why they wanted me I will explain because I am as sane as you guys. I am not a psychopath or multiple personality dood, I am a regular guy going about his life until this alien stuff kicked off as I will explain. We are not alone guys and once you read my account of the events so far, you had better look over your shoulder the next time you think you are being watched. Because you probably are being watched but not by government bods, by Aliens who want to take over your mind as they are trying to take over mine."
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