Standards and Schooling in the United States

Standards and Schooling in the United States An Encyclopedia

In this definitive, three-volume set, top scholars illuminate the historical, social, cultural, political, administrative, psychological, and philosophical issues behind the standards debate. * Volumes are arranged topically and include subjects such as art, bilingual education, consequences of standards, evaluation, learning theory and cognition, multiculturalism, reductionism, and school accreditation * Over 50 top scholars illuminate the debate, provide much-needed historical context, and explain the relationship of standards to educational reform efforts * A historical chronology is given, which spans from 1892, when the Committee of Ten created uniform academic requirements for admission to college, to the Supreme Court ruling in 2001 lowering the First Amendment wall separating church and state * The encyclopedia gives a list of selected print and nonprint resources, which includes books, government publications, labor reports, websites, and organizations regarding the standards debate in the United States
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