
+1 Star for the artwork. It wasn't ok. It was bad and boring and meh. This one, I don't know why I read it, maybe I was sold from the fact of the catchy cover, "we should put Bats in a coffin for the trade, that'll sell." Yeah well, IT DID. And it was bad. I know I should have known what to expect from reading all the All Star Comics Archives and pretty much everything about JSA being silly (I'm nice about it) and pretty much the non-existent script with more repetition than the Spider-Man's origin in the movies.. BUT, since this was like Bats on the cover and Only Legends Live Forever title, I got sold and started reading... Sorry but AGAIN, if you weren't kid when these stories were released back then, there's absolutely no reason to read them whatsoever, unless you wanna see how silly everything was written back then in comics and how repetitive everything is and how pretty much every single second every character says why they did what they did, what was the move they did 5 seconds ago, what their next move is going to be or describing what they're actually looking at, or describing the villain's move while the villain is explaining how they're doing it and all the while you're having a narrator explaining a bunch of other shit that's going to make you start popping pills by the end of it. So.. to sum up, you're reading this for nostalgia if you were a kid on release date. If not do NOT read this. A Batman from another dimension dies in the most boring way ever. Boo-hoo. There. The End.