Goethe's Faust

Goethe's Faust the original German and a new translation and introduction

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Photo of Adam Scharf
Adam Scharf@beethoven89
3 stars
Sep 12, 2024

Part one, all day, part 2, what is happening ?

Photo of lea
1 star
Mar 21, 2024

faust ist ein ekelhafter groomer und die geschichte ist irgendwie jetzt auch nicht ihren hype wert, wenn ich ganz ehrlich bin. ich fand’s, bis auf den anfang, ziemlich langweilig.

Photo of Dimitris Papastergiou
Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
3 stars
Jul 1, 2023

I liked it. The first part that is. The second part, I guess Goethe ate something questionable and then wrote the second part. But all in all it was good and interesting and it had its good moments, its shocking moments and some really fucked up ones. If the story had ended with the first part, I'd be equally satisfied if not more than reading the second. Oh well, you should read it. It's good.

Photo of Maria . M . S
Maria . M . S@maria_05
4 stars
Apr 24, 2023

I need to read it another time, but my impression is still there. The writing is great, the plot is really interesting even if it is similar of the Job story from the Bible at least the beginning. Because Faust tired of all, tired of avoiding pleasure and regretting his life decisions, agreed. I love the way was written the first scene definitely one my favourite scenes in theatre.

Photo of — lae
— lae@zumyan
5 stars
Jan 30, 2023

read in german, was a real pain in the ass, but a beautiful engaging book

Photo of D. D.
D. D.@denisethebibliophile
2.5 stars
Oct 20, 2022


Photo of lena
3 stars
Aug 2, 2022

** spoiler alert ** So I was a bit biased after hearing such bad things, but I can honestly say I liked it! Mephisto was a bit of the ironic bad boy you often get to read about in today's novels - he was really a good character. Faust himself may seem a bit strange at times, but actually we can all relate to him at some point, right? He sought knowledge, learned to love, and underwent tremendous development in the play. Of course - I don't want to slander that at all - he ruined Gretchen's life. But still: This is definitely my favorite play by Goethe so far with great characters!

Photo of Ale ♡
Ale ♡@lantsov
2 stars
Aug 1, 2022

dnf @ p. 40. it's not personal (maybe it is), but my homework from this play is for the 24th and i have 7 more homeworks, so, this is a big no from me, sorry. i'm gonna be honest: i didn't understand many things of this play. a friend (who is a very religious and cool person) told me that this is some sort of like job story, yeah, the dude from the bible. so i'm gonna research more about him and watch tons of videos of faust because the lack of time (and my lack of will to read this properly) is stressing the shit out of me. and if i'm stressed, i'm not gonna read this and enjoy it as i'd wish to. also, i don't own the physical book of faust and the ebook is making me go insane (i was reading it in spanish lol), so, yikes. will i pick it up some day to read it properly? yes, i might do that. but for now, 2 stars for summoning a spirit!

Photo of Karla Grünewald
Karla Grünewald@karla_grn
3 stars
Jul 17, 2022

super spannendes verstehen buch aber nicht verständlich beim lesen. fack ju goethe!

Photo of Zeke Taylor
Zeke Taylor@zt1230
5 stars
Apr 23, 2022

** spoiler alert ** Don’t remember the ending being that poignant

Photo of Erfan Abedi
Erfan Abedi@erfan
4 stars
Mar 30, 2022

Would have been a wonderful masterpiece if is wasn't for the changing rhythm; now it's just a normal masterpiece. I didn't like how he noted every fucking detail in the beginnings and how he skipped time in order of months in the final chapters. Some of its quotes are awesome, the way this guy dissed his contraries was perfect, and my God, the amount of German folklore in this books. Speaking of the quotes: 1970 - Mephistopheles: Laws drag on from old to new generations and creep about from place to place. Good sense is foolishness and human decency plague! Also more at lines 1100, 1550, 1600, 1770, 1810, 1910, 1940, 2180, 2048.

Photo of Lily
5 stars
Mar 30, 2022

'How strangely through the hollows glimmering Like a false dawn the dull light glows! Into crevasses glinting, shimmering, Into each deep abyss it goes.' If you can get your hands on any of the editions with Harry Clarke's illustrations, I highly recommend it.

Photo of Isa s
Isa s@purzel
4 stars
Dec 14, 2021

Another book I had to read in school (like probably every single student in Germany) and at the time and didn't have much love for it (like probably every student having to read it). But since the play has grown on me and by now I quite like it.

Photo of Olivera Mitić
Olivera Mitić@olyschka
2 stars
Nov 24, 2021

Pff, not sure how to rate this. It really wasn't anything spectacular.

Photo of Mari
3 stars
Nov 16, 2021

3.5 stars I need to read this in German because I skipped so much out of boredom and confusion. OR I need to read this is a literature class where I can get insight. OR Maybe long-form poetry is not for me.

Photo of lola
5 stars
Nov 2, 2021

absolutely fascinating, beautifully composed into the last detail. Every word, every stylistic device has a meaning. Spent more than a year reading and discussing it over and over again and the more time I spent with it, the more fascinating things I discovered. Definitely worth reading, don’t be afraid of the language, you will get used to it, but you might need to read it twice. Also I’d recommend to read and discuss it with a group of people.

Photo of Sans
2 stars
Sep 11, 2021

WARNING!!!!! THIS REVIEW APPARENTLY CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!! PLEASE TURN BACK NOW TO SPARE YOURSELF THE TRAUMA FROM ALL OF THESE SPOILERS!!!!!! I'M SERIOUS, YOU PROBABLY SHOULDN'T READ THIS. MY WRIST WAS PROPERLY SLAPPED DUE TO THE SPOILERS I LET LOOSE IN THIS REVIEW. FOR GOD'S SAKE, THINK OF THE CHILDREN AND TURN BACK WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!!! ARE YOU SURE YOU REALLY WANT TO READ THIS REVIEW, CHOCKED FULL OF SPOILERS?? WELL THEN, BE IT ON YOUR OWN HEAD. I DID TRY TO WARN YOU. DON'T COME CRYING TO ME WHEN YOU HAVE THE ENTIRE BOOK SPOILED FOR YOU IF YOU KEEP READING. (view spoiler)[Ok. I get that this an important novel. It's full of metaphors and meaning and humor (of a sort) and blahblahblah. Just...seriously? No. Just no. I liked the idea, the Faustian myth. This...was not a thing I liked. I mean, what did Mephistopheles even show Faust other than drunken composers, an underaged girl (TOTAL. CREEPER. PEDOPHILE.), and some weird party for witches on a mountain? How is that searching for knowledge? How does that help Faust crack the mysteries of the metaphysical? How does knocking up a fifteen year old girl (and killing her brother AND helping her accidentally kill her mother, wtf, seriously, what EVEN) help him reach transcendental knowledge?? I'm pretty sure I was like for most of the book With the occasional Followed by And for good measure When I finally finished I was all (hide spoiler)]

Photo of Caitlin Berger
Caitlin Berger@thefluteyfeminist
3 stars
Jul 29, 2021

Gosh, it got more and more confusing and convoluted as it went on...also Goethe doesn't know how to write women and/or he unfortunately participated in perpetuating the idea that women only exist to further a man's journey/self-discovery, whether in print or in real life. This contributes to all of the centuries of literature that imply this. Kinda gross. But otherwise, an interesting read! A bit of a let-down since it's one of the most hyped books in history, though.

Photo of Karla
4.5 stars
Mar 17, 2025
Photo of anna
anna @aiinwsn
1 star
Jul 22, 2024
Photo of Linda Queißer
Linda Queißer@linde912
1 star
Feb 9, 2024
Photo of Anna M. Siem
Anna M. Siem@anioleo
4.5 stars
Jan 24, 2024
Photo of Iwa✨
3 stars
Jun 19, 2023
Photo of Ender Ahmet Yurt
Ender Ahmet Yurt@eayurt
4 stars
May 28, 2023


Photo of Stephan Happe
Stephan Happe@stephan

Soll ich mit dir das Zimmer teilen

Page 600
Photo of Stephan Happe
Stephan Happe@stephan

Du fliegst eratmend,...

Page 580
Photo of Caroline Rose-Marie
Caroline Rose-Marie @rosa17

Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true: That even as we grieved, we grew, That even as we hurt, we hoped, That even as we tired, we tried. That we'll forever be tied together.

Photo of Caroline Rose-Marie
Caroline Rose-Marie @rosa17

And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it. Somehow, we do it. Somehow, we've weathered and witnessed

Photo of Caroline Rose-Marie
Caroline Rose-Marie @rosa17

When day comes, we ask ourselves: Where can we find light In this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade.

Photo of Ju

Erquickung hast du nicht gewonen, wenn sie dir nicht aus eigener seele quillt

did not think I could find Goethe inspiring…