Economic Armageddon

Economic Armageddon Is It Inevitable Or Can We Avoid It?

John C. Welch2011
No one will be surprised to learn that our country's economy is in rough shape. News of economic hardship, national debt, a 'credit crunch,' the collapse of the housing market, and the possible demise of the American automotive industry floods the airwaves every day. Bailouts and stimulus packages may address the symptoms of these problems, but they fail to correct the basic flaws in our system of economic checks and balances that have led to our current economic woes. John Welch's new book, Economic Armageddon—Is it Inevitable or Can We Avoid It?, takes a commonsense approach to solving the nation's economic problems. The book is built upon the simple premise that our personal financial decisions affect not only our own economic status but the economic well-being of the country as a whole. Addressing the economic impact of unions, corporations, and government programs, Economic Armageddon equips readers with the knowledge to keep their own financial houses in good order and to shoulder their share of the country's impending 'Economic Armageddon.' Economic Armageddon offers readers concrete advice on how to prepare for Economic Armageddon before it's too late.
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