Danielle Wood, Tony Wood, John Daley, Stephen Duckett, Peter Goss, Marion Terrill, Brendan Coates, Andrew Norton
Commonwealth Orange Book

Commonwealth Orange Book

The Commonwealth Orange Book rates Australiaâs performance against similar countries and proposes policy reforms to schools and universities, hospitals and housing, roads and railways, cities and regions, budgets and taxes, retirement incomes and climate change. It includes Grattan Instituteâs new âInternational Scorecardâ, which shows Australians live longer than most other people, and public debt is relatively low. But our electricity supply is more polluting, less reliable and more expensive than in comparable countries; we lag behind other developed economies on school results; and housing costs and homelessness are relatively high. The challenge for the next Commonwealth Government is to revive Australiaâs proud tradition of enlightened public policy. The next government needs to choose to do less, but deliver more. We can continue to be the lucky country, but we must make our own luck. On school education, it suggests that the government needs to finish off school funding reforms, and set up a national evidence institute, while strengthening incentives for universities to improve initial teacher education. On higher education, it recommends a return to demand-driven funding of universities. Reforms to the HELP loan scheme are needed to help fund this change, and potential increases in funding for vocational education. The government should encourage more students into vocational education, although better funding arrangements for vocational education need careful thought and negotiations with the states. [Overview, ed]
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