A Beginner’s Guide to Raised Bed Gardening - Gardening Tips and Techniques on Organic Raised Bed Gardening

A Beginner’s Guide to Raised Bed Gardening - Gardening Tips and Techniques on Organic Raised Bed Gardening

A Beginner’s Guide to Raised Bed Gardening Gardening Tips and Techniques on Organic Raised Bed Gardening Table of Contents Introduction Tips and techniques for Raised Bed Gardening The Benefits of Raised Bed Gardening Raised Beds as Spiritual Therapy Conserving water in raised beds. Preventing Soil Erosion Keyhole gardens How to Construct a Raised Garden Choosing the Right Soil Rooting zone Making Raised Beds From Timber Support for the outer wall. Watering your raised beds How to check soil drainage In Your Garden Making a Kitchen Garden in Raised Beds How to Make a Compost Heap How to Make Leaf Compost Organic manure for Making Compost Making a Worm Farm Herbal Plants in Your Raised Garden Staggered Harvests Lasagna Gardening Conclusion Author Bio Introduction The first time I came across an example of raised bed gardening, my reaction was, that is an extremely sensible way of gardening, you do not have to stoop down to ground level. I was seeing these raised garden beds in a friend’s home. She loved gardening. She also had back trouble. So crouching down in front of her beloved flower and vegetable as well as herbal garden in order to de-weed them was purgatory to her. And then her handy do-it-yourself practical husband said, “Why don’t we raise the crops and plants in beds which are waist high?” And he immediately set about building 4 feet wide beds, in square shaped blocks with wood. The soil was raised above ground level, and placed in that wooden frame. The results were amazing. It was only 10 years later that I found out that raised bed gardening was being practiced extensively all over the world. Avid gardeners were making bed frames out of concrete, rock, and even wood. They made the containers to their own particular requirements, with dimensions ranging from 1.0 m to 2 m, depending on the space they had. Gardening in containers is all very well, but raised gardening eliminates the use of pots. And best of all, as my friend told me, “I do the gardening on my raised bed. Himself –(her enthusiastic DIY gardener husband) plans to plant plants which love the shade under the raised beds. In that way, we are utilizing every inch of the soil, as well as lots of space above ground level. What a sensible way to make gardens in limited spaces.” She has the right of it. And this is possibly the reason why so many people want to know all about raised bed gardening in rich organic compost laden soil. So as you are one of them, let us start with how we can utilize every square inch of our land, economically and beneficially, by making raised beds, how to make them, how to take care of them and how to enjoy their harvest. I definitely advocate natural methods for gardening, so I am going to tell you about the best organic and natural gardening practices, which people all over the world have been using for centuries. Take advantage of our technology in other aspects of gardening like watering, etc., but still use the old natural methods for fertilizing the soil.
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