John Holmes
A Code Within a Codex
A Theory of Mind

A Code Within a Codex A Theory of Mind

John Holmes2017
"A Code Within A Codex" is a decryption of a 2000 year old theory of mind, which is concealed within the Gospel of Matthew. The philosophical thesis detailed in the Gospel of Matthew was written in allegorical code, and was designed as a philosophical exercise book. It was written by Gamaliel the Elder, 300 years after the death of Aristotle, and clearly uses and acknowledges Greek wisdom in an effort to re-orientate the philosophical understanding of the Torah. The author regards the Gospel of Matthew as the culmination of the Greek and Hebrew philosophical effort to provide an autopsy (self-seeing) of the anatomy of the body of thoughts which is the mental fiber of the Tree of Knowledge. The gospel clearly demonstrates that the nature of what we do defines our character. The gospel sets out in logical sequence and in full detail how the mental law is established, and why it is immutable, and why it must be obeyed. You, the thinker, are the law maker, and you will find even you cannot easily escape obeying the good or bad mental laws that you establish.A proper interpretation of the philosophy concealed within the allegory of the Gospel of Matthew reveals that it is a distillation of both the Hebrew wisdom contained in the Torah and the Greek wisdom contained in the philosophical dialogues of Plato and the metaphysical analysis of Aristotle. The author has re-examined and analyzsed each Greek word in the Codex Sinaiticus, and has provided a translation and interpretation on a word for word basis, which readers can verify for themselves. You as thinker are a mental god to your thoughts, and it is your thoughts that should obey and be subject to your rule, and the theory of mind explains how the mental law manages to bring this about, and also explains how mental conflict develops and needs to be controlled. The theory is fully developed, and even provides a detailed explanation of how free will and determinism both function within their separate spheres of influence. This ancient document dealing with Hebrew and Greek wisdom is in effect a mental self-discovery book. In this philosophical thesis the Greek Wisdom (Know Thy Self) and the Hebrew Wisdom (Know Thy Maker) are synthesized into The Story of You.
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