
Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
This was the end (?) I think? of the story. It was a good one and had fun reading it. It's all about the Sith trying to rule over other races. Main characters were interesting and fun to read, I didn't care for anyone in, but it was fun to read, which is surprising, because I usually give 1 star to a story that has no character I cared for. So kudos to Mr. Miller for that. Maybe there wasn't enough time to care for someone, but it is what it is. Nicely written plot with vivid enough scenes that you can see happen while definitely keeping you in star wars lore without bombarding you with keywords and whatnot. The end wasn't that good or that satisfying for me personally, but it was ok. #ItsNotAboutTheDestinationItsAboutTheJourney

Michael Cowell@chaosweeper

David Ruppel@drupps