The Professor from Hell

The Professor from Hell

John Lee2018
The plot of the story is narrated from a first person perspective, embedded with humor, magic, irony, and deceit. The story begins with the character Justin Curry, who is an exceptional college student who captures the skateboarding footage of his best friend Tommy. In the hopes of winning the grand prize, for the best skateboard mishap, Justin submits a video of Tommy slamming into the asphalt. They are satisfied with the video and dream of winning the grand prize. They are both stoners and occasionaly utilize cannabis to embark on their daily activities, this allows them to touch on topics and ideas with extreme creativity. They are not the typical lazy stoner, they are active and athletic. Though the rising action of the plot points, Justin endures an unexpected pitfall that leads him into a road of injustice and an unfortunate ordeal. The Professor at his community college verbally derates Justin and fabricates a lie to damage his credibility and reputation. He is flabbergasted by the professor's actions, and coudlnt fathom the fact that someone who worked for the government, in an accredited educational institution would construct a blatant lie. Justin encounters a magical panhandler, who predicts his future, and gives Justin a blessing of good fortune. The panhandler tells Justin that because of his generous heart, he will be destined to become blessed with wealth and good fortune. Justin, takes what the panhandler says lightly, and continues with his academic life. Justin, continues to see random panhandlers who spontaneously appear in random locations where he goes, and began to wonder if he was hallucinating or dreaming. Justin is in for a wild adventure filled with thrills and uncertainty, and the application of marijuana keeps him satisfied. Towards the falling action, he discovers that somethings happen in life for a reason, and sometimes those unexpected events can transform for the better. He doesn't know what the future holds, but he realizes that maintaining his positive attitude will generate positive energy. And therefore, calibrating the good and evil in his life. He continues with his enchanting journey....To uncover life's mysteries.
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