
Ptsd Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Overcome The Pain, Start Living Again

John Mackey2016
Are you or someone you know suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, also known as PTSD? 2nd Edition, 2016 Military and Civilian PTSD have the same symptoms.Do you feel like no one understands what you are going, though? Maybe you are not sure if you suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). How can you tell? Do you have a loved one suffering and you don't know how to help them? PTS / PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) once called shell shock or combat fatigue, is very common with soldiers returning from battle. The most common symptoms are flashbacks or anxieties as a result of the experiences of combat. It is now known and accepted that combat or military-related PTSD is not the only form of PTSD that people experience. PTSD is a condition that can affect anyone who has experienced overwhelming emotional stress that comes from experiencing shocking or frightening events.Victims of crime, child or spousal abuse, natural disasters, first responders, and anyone who has witnessed horrible events taking place to others can also be affected. Left untreated, the condition can bring profound depression, anger, stress anxiety, or worse, suicidal thoughts. In the United States alone, over 8 Million people have already been diagnosed with this condition - and the number is constantly rising. This condition is treatable, but everyone is unique and must receive individualized care. WHAT YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW: Make the decision to get help today! There is no shame in asking for help. Don't tell yourself that it will go away on its own, or that you have just to keep to yourself and deal with the trauma in your way. With this book you will learn:*What are the common signs and symptoms of PTSD*The Causes of PTSD and Risk Factors*Seeking Help - What you can expect during Your consultation with the Doctor, what are some of the tests and diagnosis for PTSD*What are some treatment methods for PTSD*What to do when a loved one has PTSD*How to continue to live a productive life with PTSDIt's been said that every journey starts with a single step. Your first step can be in reading this book. John Mackey provides valuable information, but he also provides the compassionate sensitivity of someone who has been where you are today. Act now to begin your healing!Scroll up and click the 'BUY IT NOW' button at the top of this page so you can immediately begin reading this book!
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