Dividing the Great
Kindle bestseller in US Travel. An hilarious account of a couple of wannabe mountain bikers as they race the Great Divide route from Canada to Mexico.Amazon reviews: 'What a great book, interesting, witty and well written. I had difficulty putting the book down and thoroughly enjoyed it.' 'Couldn't put this down. John Metcalfe does one of the hardest cycle routes in the world without complaining.' 'Just finished reading Dividing the Great on my new Kindle, absolutely loved the book, well written and very witty.' 'This is a fun ride! Filled with poignant and astute descriptions that almost make John and JK's great bike ride into a cinematic experience, this book combines sharp writing with an even better story...Read it on a balmy Sunday afternoon with a pitcher of something cool... you won't be disappointed.' 'The author is a great story teller who weaves the daily accounts of the journey with his friend JK, with a range of social, economic, historical and geographical facts...Equally, the alpha male rivalry between John and JK helps maintain a subtle tension in the story until the final pages adding to the many layers in this well-crafted book. It's a great book that I found hard to put down. The light hearted account masks a seriously tough achievement.'
Todd Gagne@dakotashine