Mortification of Sin in Believers

Mortification of Sin in Believers

1. Dealing with temptation helps us deal with evil before we fall into sin.2. The mortification of sin helps us avoid or get rid of sin so that it does not continue,3. Repentance helps us to get forgiveness after we sin as well as avoiding sin in the future. With God's help we need to get good at all three areas so that we overcome all sin – permanently. This work by John Owen is very helpful in the mortification (the killing) of sin. I use the word “killing of sin” because as John says: “Kill Sin Or Sin Will Kill You.” With humility and great care, read the following work by John Owen in order to finally kill all sin that has been defeating you in the past. Satan would have you believe that you cannot conquer sin, but Jesus says that you CAN conquer sin with His help and the help of His Holy Spirit. Don't despair. You CAN conquer sin – once and for all. Study it. Believe it. Pray For It. Do it.
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