The Horse Dancer

This is the story of Sarah, a 14 year old girl with a passion for horses, instilled by her grandfather who had been one of the skilled horsemen of Le Cadre Noir in France. Henri taught his granddaughter and Boo, her horse, to dance as they do in the elite academy in Saumur. But they are struggling financially, and then Henri is taken ill. Sarah is temporarily fostered by Natasha, a lawyer, and Mac, a photographer, a couple who are separated but temporarily sharing the former marital home before it is sold. Sarah doesn't tell them what is going on in her life, and it is some time before they even learn of Boo. Matters come to head when Maltese Sid, who takes over the stables where Boo is kept, attempts to some form of payment from Sarah for Boo's stabling and food.

Written by Jojo Moyes (Me before You fame), follows Natasha, Mac, and Sarah as they learn to lean on one another and help a girl and her horse. First and foremost, as an American, I had no idea what was going on with the solicitor or anything that was happening other than she was very busy and dealt with families and courts. Perhaps that is common knowledge in England, but I was just so confused the entire time. The horse parts, and the papa stories, all of that I understood without any issues whatsoever. The characters were wonderful, and the story, while having a happy ending, has a lot of tough, sad things in it. As a horse lover, this was a really great book. As a human, this is a wonderful novel. the only bit of warning is, if you don’t like sad books, you maybe should not read this.