Bernie Sanders, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro & Other Socialists

Bernie Sanders, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro & Other Socialists

Bernie Sanders (BS) self-identifies the same way that Adolf Hitler self-identified: SOCIALIST. In voluminous speeches and writings Hitler glorified the identical word touted by BS as his political philosophy. Hitler’s swastika was “S” letter shaped symbolism for his socialism. BS proudly classifies himself in the same fashion as Hitler and the world’s other genocidal psychopaths. Bernie Sanders was endorsed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) in the 2020 presidential election and AOC actively campaigns for BS. Why does AOC support such an old white male? She promotes him because they share the same extremist dogma. How did they both become socialists? AOC was heavily influenced by BS. The USA’s two worst national socialists were both born and raised in New York City. AOC grew up during BS’s years as a career politician. She learned a lot about socialism and wanted to get on the dole too. BS is the oldest white male who is running for nomination. BS is so elderly that he could be AOC’s grandfather (he is 48 years older than her). AOC was born a year after BS’s infamous honeymoon (1988) in the USSR just as Soviet socialism self-destructed. Sanders was born in 1941 shortly after Soviet socialism’s partnership with German socialism. Soviet socialism (under Stalin) and German socialism (under Hitler) had joined to launch WWII, destroying Poland together, and going onward from there in a pact to enslave Europe. After German socialism was defeated, Soviet socialism continued (as Sanders grew up) to ruin millions of lives and increase its record-setting mass-murders. As a child, Sanders had learned about socialism from his parents and other relatives. They attended government schools (socialist schools) in the USA where students were forced to perform the Nazi salute and chant robotically to the flag each morning at the ring of a bell. The Pledge of Allegiance to the USA’s Flag was the origin of the infamous stiff-armed salute (and other propagandistic behavior) that was borrowed decades later under German socialism and under other socialists worldwide. The pledge was written by an American socialist (Francis Bellamy) in order to spread socialism. Anyone who refused the ritual in the socialist schools was persecuted. At that time the socialist schools taught racism as official policy and imposed segregation by law. Sanders also learned socialism from government schools that he attended, and he chanted in unison each morning to the flag too (although the gesture had changed to hide socialism’s putrid history). During Sanders’ youth the socialist schools continued to teach racism as official policy and continued to impose segregation by law. “America’s Nazi salute” was often performed by public officials in the USA from 1892 through 1942. What happened to old photographs and films of the American Nazi salute performed by federal, state, county, and local officials? Those photos and films are rare because people don't want to know the truth about the government’s past. American youth groups (Scouting) adopted Bellamy's American Nazi salute (with Bellamy’s encouragement) AND saluted swastika badges (卐) worn by fellow scouts. Many Americans were accustomed to “Nazi salutes for swastikas” long before German socialism (and Hitler Youth) adopted similar behavior under Hitler. That helps to explain another shocking revelation: swastikas were promoted in the US military and worn as a patch on the upper left arm of American soldiers in a fashion that would become uniform under German socialism. There are photos in this book!
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