
Convergence Why Jesus Needs to Be More Than Our Lord and Savior to Thrive in a Post Christian World

Jon Thompson2018
Many of us Christians and Ministry leaders think that much of what Jesus did on earth was because He was God. When we think this, we neglect Scripture where it tells us that Jesus, though always God, deliberately chose to limit His divine attributes and power. Jon Thompson, pastor and theologian, looks at Jesus' life and ministry asking the question of, "If Jesus chose to limit His divine attributes and power, how did He do all of this?" Jon discovers that Jesus is the ultimate example for us demonstrating the Convergence of three things: 1. Jesus used spiritual disciplines to walk with the Father, and develop and learn as we do: "Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man" (Luke 2:52). 2. Jesus also used spiritual gifts (not His inherent power) to actually carry out His ministry while on earth. And, 3. Jesus used the promptings He received from the Father and the Spirit to lead His disciples into moments of revival. As you read this book, you will come to realize that Jesus, as God come in flesh, isn't just our Savior and our Lord, He is also our model for Christian life and ministry. Through the convergence of spiritual disciplines, spiritual gifts, and spiritual experiences, Jesus demonstrates for us how we, and our local churches, can hear from the father, carry out our ministry, and lead people into revival. Convergence shows how Jesus, though always God, deliberately chose to limit His divine attributes and power in order not only to show us who God is, but also to demonstrate for us what the normal Christian life should look like.
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