You are G8, We are 6 Billion

You are G8, We are 6 Billion The Truth Behind the Genoa Protests

An insider's account of the events of the Genoa G8 protests. Isolates the keyrotest issues of the rally Describes in detail what really happened in July001 Analyses the widespread misreporting and media hysteria The G8 meetingn Genoa in July 2001 resulted in the biggest anti-globalisationemonstrations so far and saw the murder of an activist. You Are G8, We Are 6illion is the riveting truth about the protests, written by one of therganisers who was also a public spokesman. Besides giving his first handccount of the daily events, Jonathan Neale provides a devastating critiquef global corporations and explains exactly why the protesters travelled fromll over the globe to make their point to the world's most powerful nations:hird World debt; Climate change; Nuclear Weapons; Privatisation of utilities;rug company profiteering; This passionate account fully conveys therotesters' rationale as well as the feel and smell of the protests.
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