Buried Secrets
"Why Men Marry" is written to address multiple reasons for men embracing the institution of marriage. It is my opinion that many real-life motives are not discussed or simply written off as trivial. For example: a man may marry to find out if love really exists. The male becomes exasperated by revolving door relationships that simply demand more and more material expectations for continued involvement. Exploring personal motives for marriage can produce a lifetime of growth, accomplishment, and personal satisfaction to the individual who is willing to invest time and energy into future rewards. Marriage for convenience hinders the prospect of mutual satisfaction and the betterment of our society. Better marriages will bring a healthier society. It is my belief that reading concise episodes of individual lives will open a new world of discovery about yourself. If you can appreciate uncovering fifty reasons why men entertain marriage then "Why Men Marry" will be a book you will want to read and give to a friend for discussion. Each story can be quickly read to uncover the understanding of the male's mind for undertaking the mystery of marriage. The book is designed to be read while having morning coffee or enjoying a break at the office. Food for thought is what I used as a diet for this book. Are you hungry for new ideas about marriage?