
I really love this book, as I want back to the time I first read this novel. I love it but unfortunately, I haven't read the trilogy.

Prashanth Srivatsa@prashanthsrivatsa
Hilarious - possibly the funniest of the lot - and terrific lessons to be had in writing. Well, it still counts as a pleasure read, and quite the pleasure! Bartimaeus is a favorite.

Elizabeth Scott@amos222

Gracie Marsden@marsdengracie

Sade A@bitterblue

Nora Ellen@noraaxellen

The Hissing Saint@thehissingsaint


A Nuckols@anuckols

Sonja H@sonjah

Kilian Rüth@kalle

Kathy Rodger @bookatnz

Katharina Hoffmann@ahobbitsbooks

Isa s@purzel

Dobrila Šunde@blackflicka

Jessica Krcmarik@jessicakrcmarik

Ben Nathan@benreadssff

Beta Febrianita@weisubei