Joseph Palmer
Cold Calling
Tips, Techniques, and Scripts ~ an Essential Guide to Effective Cold Calling Strategies for Success in Sales

Cold Calling Tips, Techniques, and Scripts ~ an Essential Guide to Effective Cold Calling Strategies for Success in Sales

Joseph Palmer2016
Your career now depending on being skilled in the arena of cold-calling, you may be a bit concerned about your future financial performance - and rightfully so. But the good news is that while most cold-calling salespeople often fail to meet their quota, the ones who manage to distinguish themselves from the herd invariably go on to become incredibly successful, powerful, and influential members of the sales game. This is how you should be looking at it too, if you wish to do well - as a game. Great salespeople don't look at a competitive environment and go "Oh, man. There are so many people competing with me," but rather they smirk and think "Awesome! The large quantity of competitors is going to help thin out the herd - less serious competition for me!" If you can understand the difference between those two approaches - a bit like the difference between gladiators being dragged kicking and screaming into an arena, or walking in with their heads held high and their weapons at the ready - you're halfway there to becoming an unforgettable salesperson. This book is going to teach you the basics of effective cold-calling; the problems faced on this side of the business and how to avoid them; and the various tips, tricks, and techniques you should be using to get ahead and establish yourself as a deity among commoners on the sales-floor. Let's get started!
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