Gifted and Talented Education in Perspective Under One Cover
Forty-three author contributed papers provide an overview of education for gifted and talented students. The following aspects are addressed (sample subtopics in parentheses): the identification continuum (teacher identification, behavior rating scales, implications for equality of educational opportunity); characteristics of the gifted (creativity in young science students, peer acceptance, creative young women); giftedness among the culturally different (incidence among ethnic groups, identifying achievement potential in minority group students); curriculum ideas (creative writing, reading skills); research in gifted education (attitudes of gifted students toward handicapped persons, statewide implementation of classroom practices); key ideas for successful programing for the gifted (successful teacher characteristics, value development); program descriptions (a preschool program for gifted/talented nonhandicapped and handicapped, an independent study seminar program, high school internships); and state of the art (need for increased federal effort, role of the arts and humanities). (CL)