Morning Pages

Morning Pages The Almost True Story of My Life

Joseph Sutton2000
What is the writer's method? How does she or he get strings of inspired words down on a page or onto a monitor screen? Not very damn well if you're Ben Halaby, filled with dedication but suffering the throes of chronic Writer's Block. The spiritual Kaopectate that gets Ben aflow at long last is Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way (an actual book for those of you who don't know). It's dictum is to begin each day by writing-3-pages-of-anything-that-pops-into-your-head-no-matter-how-mediocre-for-84-days -- morning pages. Through this process, or rather along with it, out from Ben's harvesting mind spring anecdotes from his past, or derivations of same. It doesn't matter! Ben Halaby can write again -- There's hope for us all! Sutton's amusing, wise, and inspirational book is not intended to sell more copies of Cameron's. But, convincing as it is, it just might.
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