Analytical Electrochemistry
Third Edition covers the latest advances in methodologies, sensors,detectors, and mIcrochips The greatly expanded Third Edition of this internationallyrespected text continues to provide readers with a completepanorama of electroanalytical techniques and devices, offering abalancebetween voltammetric and potentiometric techniques.Emphasizing electroanalysis rather than physical electrochemistry,readers gain a deep understanding of the fundamentals ofelectrodereactions and electrochemical methods. Moreover, readerslearn to apply their newfoundknowledge and skills to solvereal-world analytical problems. The text consists of six expertly crafted chapters: * Chapter 1 introduces fundamental aspects of electrode reactionsand the structure of the interfacial region * Chapter 2 studies electrode reactions and high-resolution surfacecharacterization, using techniques ranging from cyclic voltammetryto scanning probe microscopies * Chapter 3 features an overview of modern finite-currentcontrolled potential techniques * Chapter 4 presents electrochemical instrumentation and electrodematerials, including modified electrodes andultramicroelectrodes * Chapter 5 details the principles of potentiometric measurementsand various classes of ion selective electrodes * Chapter 6 explores the growing field of chemical sensors,including biosensors, gas sensors, microchip devices, and sensorarrays Among the new topics covered, readers discover DNA biosensors,impedance spectroscopy, detection of capillary electrophoresis,diamond electrodes, carbon-nanotube and nanoparticle-based arraysand devices, large-amplitude AC voltammetry, solid-stateion-selective electrodes, ion selective electrodes for traceanalysis, and lab-on-a-chip devices. New figures, worked examples,and end-of-chapter questions have also been added to thisedition. Given the rapid pace of discovery and growth of new applications inthe field, this text is essential for an up-to-date presentation ofthe latest advances in methodologies, sensors, detectors, andmicrochips. It is recommended for graduate-level courses inelectroanalytical chemistry and as a supplement for upper-levelundergraduate courses in instrumental analysis. The text also meetsthe reference needs for any industry, government, or academiclaboratory engaged in electroanalysis and biosensors.