Bone Broth Breakthrough

Bone Broth Breakthrough Transform Your Body with Bone Broth Protein, the Ultimate Food to Support Gut Health, Metabolism, Lean Muscle, and Joints

Josh Axe2016
DR. AXE'S 30-DAY BONE BROTH TRANSFORMATIONAL PROGRAMAre you ready to experience a health breakthrough?Dr. Axe's transformational bone broth programs includes a 3-day cleanse,7-day challenge and a 30-day bone broth protein dietary plan to help youreach your highest level of health.Why get more bone broth protein in your diet?Because bone broth is one of the most nourishing superfoods on the planet. Itcan help support immunity, healthy digestion, glowing skin, lean muscle tissue,detoxification, joints and metabolism. +Bone broth and bone broth protein include:* 19 easy-to-absorb amino acids* Minerals including potassium, calcium, selenium and magnesium* Collagen and gelatin that help form connective tissue and healthy skin +* Proline and glutamine that support immunity and digestion +Dr. Axe strongly believes that bone broth belongs in our diet becauseit contains so many healing nutrients. Thousands of his patients haveexperienced the health transformational benefits of bone broth, and now youcan, too!Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS, is a doctorof natural medicine, nutritionist andauthor with a passion to help people getwell using food as medicine and operatesone of the world's largest natural healthwebsites at, with over6 million readers each month. He's theauthor of the book Eat Dirt (a book allabout gut health) as well as The GutRepair Cookbook. He has appeared as aregular expert on the Dr. Oz show andis the host of his own program on PBS.+ These statementshave not been evaluatedby the Food and DrugAdministration. Thisproduct is not intendedto diagnose, treat, cureor prevent any disease.
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