Fantasy Scroll Magazine Issue #11

Fantasy Scroll Magazine Issue #11

Fantasy Scroll Magazine is an online, bi-monthly publication featuring science fiction, fantasy, horror, and paranormal short-fiction. The magazine’s mission is to publish high-quality, entertaining, and thought-provoking speculative fiction. With a mixture of short stories, flash fiction, and micro-fiction, Fantasy Scroll Magazine aims to appeal to a wide audience. Issue #11 includes 9 short stories and one graphic story: "Sundark and Winterling" — Suzanne J. Willis "Red Cup" — Paul Magnan "The Water Moon" — Steve Simpson "Battle Lines" — J.W. Alden "Talking with Honored Guests" — Alexander Monteagudo "How I Lost Eleven Stone and Found Love" — Ian Creasey "The Great Excuse" — Jacob Michael King "The Velna Valsis" — Henry Szabranski "Have You Seen Me?" — Josh Vogt "Shamrock - Part 6 - Perseverance" — Josh Brown & Alberto Hernandez Interview with Author Karri Thompson Interview with Author A.L. Davroe Artist Spotlight: Jeremy Vickery Book Review: Tales of My Ancestors (Bruce Edward Golden) Movie Review: Turbo Kid (François Simard, Anouk Whissell) The magazine is open to most sub-genres of science fiction, including hard SF, military, apocalyptic & post-apocalyptic, space opera, time travel, cyberpunk, steampunk, and humorous. Similarly for fantasy, we accept most sub-genres, including alternate world, dark fantasy, heroic, high or epic, historical, medieval, mythic, sword & sorcery, urban fantasy, and humorous. The magazine also publishes horror and paranormal short fiction.
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