Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi Leia, Princess of Alderaan
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Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi Leia, Princess of Alderaan

Claudia Gray2017
The story of how young Leia Organa comes to join the rebellion against the evil Empire, from New York Times best-selling author Claudia Gray.
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Photo of Hope Gamble
Hope Gamble@hopeg
5 stars
Apr 25, 2023

As a lover of all things Star Wars, reading about a young Leia was so fun!

Photo of Gillian Rose
Gillian Rose@glkrose
4 stars
Feb 11, 2023

This was my first Star Wars novel! It was enjoyable, but it took me a while to get used to teenage Leia. I loved all the easter eggs and when she went to Naboo, my heart! Holdo was basically Luna Lovegood of the SW universe and I was here for it. The ending felt a teeny bit rushed but other than that, I definitely recommend!

Photo of Shawna Delellis
Shawna Delellis@shawnalynn
5 stars
Jan 22, 2023

Such a beautiful coming of age story of love, friendship and family. Full circle moments and happiness in dark times. It shows life isn’t perfect and it can be very dark but you have to find happy moments in it

Photo of Ryan LaFerney
Ryan LaFerney@ryantlaferney
4 stars
Dec 15, 2022

After reading Claudia Gray's Lost Stars, I was impressed. In my opinion, Lost Stars is one of the best books in the new Star Wars canon. With Leia, Princess of Alderaan, I'm happy to report that Gray brings the same amazing qualities that made Lost Stars so successful and applies them to Leia. This book is filled with wonderful characterizations and intrigue. Gray is also very talented at describing the Star Wars universe. What makes this book however is Leia’s characterization. Claudia Gray has a knack for this character’s voice. You really feel like you understand Leia much better after reading this novel. This is a YA novel detailing Leia’s rise as a rebel and leader. In Leia, we are introduced to a very different Princess than the senator and general in Gray's Bloodline (and who we see in TFA and TLJ). The Leia Organa here is sixteen, and different than the polished and hardened politico we’ve become accustomed to in the recent films. She’s different, even, than the Leia seen in the novelizations set between the original trilogy films or immediately afterwards. This is our exposure to Leia, pre-Alderaan destruction—a devastating loss that will color her narrative and character development in all subsequent books and films. This Leia is close to her parents, already weighed with the burden of responsibility for her people and her planet, but also as a humanitarian and leader for the entire galaxy. In short,this book is beautiful (loved the descriptions of Alderaan), clever, heartbreaking (Leia learns about lost and sacrifice at such a young age), and revelatory. If you're a Star Wars fan, you'll most likely enjoy this book. I hope Disney and Claudia Gray will team up for one more Leia book: A book explaining her last days and her death (as we all know the next film will most likely be set at least a few years after TLJ). This would be the perfect entry point to give us background information going into the next J.J. Abrams Star Wars adventure.

Photo of Eva Bailey
Eva Bailey@evabails
4 stars
Aug 14, 2022

4.5 stars. This was excellent, loved getting more of Leia's early life. Claudia Gray is such a master of Star Wars novels.

Photo of Olivia Peltier
Olivia Peltier@oliviamidala
4.5 stars
Mar 20, 2022

This was the first Star Wars book I ever read and honestly I think I picked a good place to start. Claudia Gray's writing style is phenomenal, I don't think anyone has come close to writing Leia as well as she does. I can't wait to read Bloodline to learn about a more mature Leia!

Photo of Caroline Lewicki
Caroline Lewicki@clewicki20
5 stars
Jan 30, 2022

This was my first venture into a Star Wars extended universe novel and I LOVED IT! I listened to an audio version and it was so immersive and interactive. This book takes places post-prequels but pre-original trilogy, so you really get a feel for how Leia becomes the person she is. You also get introduced to characters who will come up in the movies, which is fun. The adventure and little bit of romance was really fun and I enjoyed it quite a husband will be so happy to hear I'm going to read another Star Wars book after this one!

Photo of rey
5 stars
Oct 24, 2021

Reading a leia who’s at my age, feeling the way I do like being nervous about something she’s done so many times before, feeling her success is being ignored by her parents etc. gives me so much relief and makes me feel good considering I’ve always wanted to be like her. It was so nice to go into her past. I couldnt stop thinking about the quote "Perhaps Leia had never been young." from The Rise of Skywalker novel. She's always been strong and wise but she also her ups and downs like everyone else. The galaxy's best girl.

Photo of b.andherbooks
5 stars
Oct 9, 2021

Claudia Gray can write all the Star Wars books, for real. She so accurately captures the voice of Princess Leia, both as a seasoned politician in Bloodline and here as a teenager on the cusp of becoming the great Rebel leader we all know from a New Hope. Leia is about to be named the heir to the Alderaanian throne after she completes three challenges, but is irked her parents Bail and Breha seem to be very absent. Leia isn't satisfied to ignore why, and finds herself learning dangerous new information that could threaten her, her family, and Alderaan. **Mild Spoiler** There was a bit of a romance here and at first I was skeptical, but I really enjoyed how it was handled. Breha also made a great crack about hoping Leia would date a scoundrel and I had a good cackle.

Photo of Jane Krauss
Jane Krauss@ladyjane95
5 stars
Aug 28, 2021

I don't think I can genuinely express how much I enjoy Claudia Gray's writing style. So, I knew that I would most likely enjoy this book. The books started so strong, I loved seeing the feistiness of the young Princess Leia and her teen adjustment to finding her place as the heir to the throne. I love learning more about Queen Breha. There was a major plot point that had been spoiled for me but was still so intense I was gripped. I loved learning about Holdo and her quirky nature. I also loved getting a glimpse of Tarkin’s relationship with Leia. Honestly, this was such a good book!

Photo of Brendan
Brendan @bwbrewster
4 stars
Jun 11, 2024
Photo of Chris Farrell
Chris Farrell @1pairofshoes
4 stars
Apr 22, 2024
Photo of Sofia
5 stars
Mar 27, 2024
Photo of C. J. Daley
C. J. Daley @cjdscurrentread
4 stars
May 13, 2023
Photo of Kimberly Burgess
Kimberly Burgess @fernweh_and_haven
4 stars
Jan 2, 2023
Photo of Amanda
4 stars
Dec 22, 2022
Photo of Mindy Wise
Mindy Wise@mindymaddness88
5 stars
Nov 25, 2022
Photo of Justin Ferrell
Justin Ferrell@justinferrell
3 stars
Sep 28, 2022
Photo of Magen Irwin
Magen Irwin @magenirwin
4 stars
Aug 15, 2022
Photo of Haley Cross
Haley Cross@narnian_04
5 stars
Aug 11, 2022
Photo of Natalia Hernandez
Natalia Hernandez@chubidubi
4 stars
Aug 2, 2022
Photo of Anna Oeltjenbruns
Anna Oeltjenbruns@annaoel
4 stars
Jun 30, 2022
Photo of lauren carla
lauren carla@laurenslibros
3 stars
Mar 11, 2022
Photo of Robin M Cabana
Robin M Cabana@rmcabana
4 stars
Mar 2, 2022

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