Blacksad - Volume 6 - They All Fall Down - Part 2

Blacksad - Volume 6 - They All Fall Down - Part 2

Everyone's favorite cat detective is back, and yes, we mean John Blacksad. This time, he's on a particularly thorny case, as he's responsible for protecting the president of a mafia-infiltrated union. This new four-volume story of the bestselling series takes us from soaring heights to terrifying depths as Blacksad navigates from the lofty world of New York theatre to the seedy nether regions of the city, where the criminal classes ply their questionable trades. Towering above them all is the figure of Solomon, a construction magnate well on his way to rebuilding the five boroughs, come hell or high water. Print release by Dark Horse Comics, summer 2022. Everyone's favorite cat detective is back, and yes, we mean John Blacksad. This time, he's on a particularly thorny case, as he's responsible for protecting the president of a mafia-infiltrated union. In this second of four parts, the story unfolds to reveal scenes of political tension and high action that no other authors master like the duo behind this celebrated series. The conclusion ties up the loose ends in this case... but only until next time! Part 3 is expected in 2023. In the meantime, American publisher Dark Horse will be releasing a paper edition of Parts 1 and 2 in summer 2022.
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